6/ Dedications

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How to dedicate a story to someone

What's better than dedicating your work to someone? Isn't it always a nice feeling when someone dedicates something to you? Well, here's how you do it!

1. Upload a story (how to do that: see previous posts!)

2. Go to the story you want to dedicate - not in 'my works', but like when you'd read your own story.

3. On the right you should see "Dedicate to" and then the icons for Wattpad, Facebook and outsiders. Choose how you want to dedicate this story by clicking on the correct icon and enter the name of the person you want to dedicate this work to.

4. Click 'Dedicate' and then you're done. The person you dedicated your story to will receive an email to let him/her know that you dedicated your work. And even better, it will show on that person's profile page that you dedicated your story to him/her.

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