First Meeting.

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   Washington D.C., 19xx.

  It was a warm summer evening, the city was highly active but truth be told it felt like it never had a moment where it wasn't highly active due to heavy politics and those sexy museums.
While Washington D.C. was an active place it didn't stop anyone, well except those who drive cars, and currently there was a wave of visitors from other countries with a small group being from Italy. 

"Cap- Risotto," A Tall, slender, sexy bastard of a man named Prosciutto speaks, "Why are we even here?" He lights a cigarette while awaiting an answer from the intimidating goth clown who in turn shoots a sharp glare at Prosciutto. "It's for Melone's birthday since he never had an actual birthday and you would've known had you listened to his whining and begging to you." 
The blond shrinks back, awkwardly looking away, he guesses that his purple-haired twink of a boyfriend DID want to go on some trip to somewhere new but he was too busy fussing with his own stuff to even notice. "Shit, sorry." He quietly mumbles only to get a slap in the back of the head from Ghiaccio. "Shut the fuck up." 

Melone finally manages to squeeze into where the group was standing trying to listen to the conversation. "So! I got us our hotel all setup!" He happily exclaims with a big, dumb, goofy grin on his face. "How many rooms?" Formaggio inquires, stealing a cigarette from Prosciutto. "Enough for us to have our own rooms...except for the lovebirds such as you and Nero." Melone teasingly replies causing Formaggio to violently cough in embarrassment.

After joking around the group finally decides to go their separate ways until around ten'o'clock PM where they would all then meetup at the Hotel and get dinner if no one else ate while they're out- so it was just Melone walking around a lovely park, it was rather quiet between the two due to an awkward tension between the two. "I'm glad we're here! It's all exciting-" Melone was cutoff by a heavy sigh, he looks up at his boyfriend with worry. "What's wrong..?" Dread washes over him as Prosciutto looks away, tugging at his fancy shirt collar. 

" I t h i n k w e s h o u l d t a k e a  b r e a k f r o m  e a c h o t h e r . . . "

The words fell onto nearly deaf ears, gloved hands gripped at the fancy shirt which was probably worth more than the smaller man. "Pros-! Please reconsider! I beg you!" He speaks, panic clear in his voice, he gets shoved away. "I just need a break, please, you're too clingy and you're not even dressed sexily! You're wearing a purple floral button up that's exposed at your chest with black ripped jeans and black platform boots because you're scared of being five foot six! Besides your eyepatch doesn't even let you fit in, where is your glass eye?" Prosciutto sighs, running a hand through his hair, "I just can't be with someone who dresses like that, I'll see you back at the hotel, goodbye." With the final goodbye Melone was left in the middle of the path, within the park, with tears in his eyes. "WHO'S GOING TO HELP ME PAY FOR MY RUNESCAPE MEMBERSHIP?!" Melone shouts, he stands there before falling onto his knees and sobbing into his hands, his heart was fully broken and he wasn't sure if it could ever be mended.


It was a casual day for the sexy man named Thomas Jefferson because he was an important man, and did I mention sexy? He was currently in Washington D.C. due to business so when he was taking his lunch break in this beautiful, lovely, park- but his peaceful day was soon interrupted by some foreign couple shouting at each other- oh wait, those are Italians, they always sound like they're fighting so he tried to pay no mind until he saw one walking away while the other fell to the ground sobbing. 

Ugh. Couples. He hated them. Though, it was time for him to use his sexy charm to woo this crying person.

"Hey," He smoothly speaks, his walking stick gently nudging the crying man, "You good?" He asks, kneeling down only to get a head shake in response. "Hey, Hey," He takes out his fancy embroidered handkerchief gently wiping away the tears as his other hand gently cupped the right side of the other's face, "want to talk about it?" He quietly asks, trying to be soothing. 
"N..No..It's fine.." The Neon turquoise eye connects with Jefferson's brown eyes, his heart fluttered at the beautiful eye color because how could one get neon eyes? Did they glow in the dark? Will he ever find it ou- Thomas quickly shakes his head getting out of his thoughts, he warmly smiles and helps the other up. "It's alright, I'll help you get through this..." He trails off before remembering that he hadn't introduced himself to the Italian, "I'm Thomas Jefferson, and who might you be?" He brings a gloved hand up to his lips gently kissing it causing the other to blush. "I'm uh- Melone, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Jefferson..." 

Maybe he can be mended since this handsome, seemingly rich, man was here.

They were both quiet for a few minutes then Thomas speaks up, "You're a very sexy faggot." Melone looks at him bewildered. "What?" He asks only for Thomas to brush it off, "I said would you like to get lunch with me?" the invitation causes Melone to smile. "I would love that." 

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