8 | For This Moment

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The rest of the pack gathered in the kitchen the next morning, talking quietly while the twins prepared breakfast for everyone.

"He seems level-headed enough, if a bit young and inexperienced," Grace said.

"He smiles a lot, and his boyfriend is nice. I like him." Mia-Rose chimed in, slipping a hand into Laith's and intertwining their fingers.

"And he seems genuinely kind," Nadine added, "I've never seen Thomas take to someone like that. And I was watching his eyes when he realized who Thomas's father was. He didn't even consider kicking us out. Lorcan would force us to leave, if given the chance."

"None of us want that, Nadine. You and Thomas are family. We can't deny what Lorcan has done for us, though. He kept us together when Fenrir left to follow Voldemort. He served well in his role as Beta when our Alpha abandoned us," Kasper contributed, "I'm not sure he would be the best Alpha now, however, I'm afraid the power has gone to his head over the years, but he must be allowed to challenge. It is his right."

"And Harry dismissed us to spend time with his pet human last night," Sofia sniffed.

"You're just upset that he didn't swoon at the sight of you like you thought he would," Mathias scoffed.

"Yeah, well, he didn't swoon at you either, Mat. He barely even looked at you."

Mathias rolled his eyes. "I didn't expect him to, Sofe. Not that I would have minded if he had. That man is even better looking in person. Merlin, the photos in the papers certainly don't do him justice."

"Yes, well, he's clearly already picked a mate, so you two can just settle down," Grace cut in, steering the conversation in a more productive direction.


Upstairs, Harry lay in bed, arms folded behind his head, listening to every word, his head cocked to one side like a perplexed puppy.

Draco rolled over and snuggled up against him as he slowly woke up, draping an arm over Harry's chest. Eventually, he lifted his head to look blearily up at Harry, confused by the amused expression on his face. "What are you doing?"

"Listening to my little band of werewolves gossip about us."

Draco dropped his head back onto the pillow with a thump, burying his face in it so that his voice was muffled. "What are they saying?"

"That you're my pet human."

"Excuse me, I am a wizard, not just some human, thank you very much," Draco complained, scooting closer and licking a stripe up the other man's neck, "but I could be your pet, if you like."

Harry's eyebrows shot up, and he immediately flushed crimson. "Er, no, no thanks, that's okay—"

Draco laughed in delight. "Merlin, you should see your face, Potter. Not your kink then, hm?"

Harry shrugged. "Nope, sorry."

Draco propped himself up on an elbow so he could lean over and kiss him affectionately before trailing his slender fingers over Harry's cheek. "I know, I just wanted to see you turn this lovely shade of vermilion."

Harry growled and grabbed him, deftly flipping Draco onto his back. "You're going to pay for that, Malfoy."

"Gladly," Draco smirked.

Harry's grin turned positively feral.

"I meant spanking, Potter!" Draco shrieked a second later, "tickling is not dignified! How old are you? Stop this instant, you bastard!"

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