14 | And Learn to See

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Ron Weasley walked into the Ministry the next morning still feeling the overwhelming sense of relief that had flooded through him upon finding Harry alive.

He couldn't help thinking the Werewolf Challenge and all the drama surrounding it was utterly barmy, but Hermione insisted there was old, dark werewolf magic involved that had basically forced Harry into it, whether their best friend was fully aware of it or not, and Ron knew better than to question Hermione. So he'd tried to accept the inevitability that Harry wouldn't come back. Tried to accept what had been supposed to happen.

After he'd left Harry and Draco's room, closing his eyes against the image of Draco Malfoy, of all people, looking completely shattered at the thought of losing Harry Potter, he'd found Hermione in the kitchen and collapsed into her lap to break down and cry a bit himself.

He still didn't fully understand Harry and Draco's relationship either, or the intensity of their bond, but spending time with Draco had forced Ron to accept what Hermione had been insisting for years—the man had changed. And Merlin help him, Ron could see that he was good for Harry.

When he walked into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he noticed a strange tension in the air. A few people stared at him as he made his way to his office. Someone was sniffling in the break room as he passed while someone else spoke in soft, comforting tones.

His Auror senses were tingling, and as he neared the office he shared with McDougal, he felt the telltale magical hum of a Silencing Charm being used inside. That was unusual. Ron hesitated with his hand stretched toward the door handle for a brief moment before coming to a quick decision.

He pulled one of George's newest line of Extendable Ears—now just an earpiece and a tiny beetle-shaped magical transmitter that could sneak almost anywhere without being noticed.

Godric, George and Harry had had fun making these—Harry going on about Rita Skeeter's Animagus form and Muggle listening devices, while George tried dozens of different Spells trying to recreate the effect until they'd found one that actually worked.

Ron sent the beetle scuttling under the door with a flick of his wand, then tucked the earpiece in his ear, casually leaning against the wall as the beetle breached the edge of the Silencing Spell.

"—still getting a final count, but it's over thirty-five this month. Jeffords got ten all on his own." McDougal sounded even smugger than normal, if that was even possible.

"Tell him I'll see about promoting him to Senior Auror when we make your new position official. I'm very pleased. Although, losing Parker is a tough blow." Their boss, Gawain Robards, responded.

"I know. I hated to A.K. him, but Parker knew the risks. If he'd been lucid he'd have begged me to do it rather than become one of them."

"You did the right thing. We're trying to lower their numbers, not give them our best people. It's too bad Weasley got to Potter first after he was bitten. You would have put the poor kid out of his misery."

"Without hesitation," McDougal confirmed, and Ron's blood turned to ice at the words. "I heard a rumor that Potter joined a pack out in the Eastern Mountains, not too far from where we've been hunting."

"Stay away from there from now on," Robards said severely. "If Potter gets wind of this, there's no telling what he'll do. You know how powerful he is, it'll be a fucking bloodbath."

"We could just go after him, you know. Take him out. If there were enough of us. He can't be that strong as a wolf on the full moon, not without magic."

"No," Robards sighed. "He was one of us. Unless he hurts someone, or runs wild on a full moon, I don't want you seeking him out. You have no idea what he's capable of, wolf or otherwise."

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