16 | You Were Only Waiting

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Harry walked into the Granger-Weasleys the next day to find Hermione huddled over their kitchen table, several books spread out in front of her. Ron was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, playing with Rose, both of them focused intently on a large wooden puzzle.

"Hawwy!" Rose greeted. Ron looked up and waved.

"Hello Harry!"

"Hi Ron, Hi Rosie," he smiled at them before turning to Hermione. "How's the research going?"

"Not well. I've tried a few spells to reverse the Memory Charm, but without knowing exactly which spell was used, it's hard to tell. It's not a standard Obliviate, I know that much, it's something more complex than that. Where's Draco? I thought he'd be with you, and I was hoping to get his advice about this—"

"Oh, he's with his mum today, er, wedding planning."

Hermione looked up and grinned. "And you wanted no part of that, I'm guessing?"

"I'm excited to get married!" Harry laughed, "I just don't know anything about planning a wedding and they keep asking my opinion on things, but they're just being polite, I don't have any idea what will look nice. They both know that!"

Hermione handed him a book. "Well, since Draco isn't here, you're going to have to help me."

"That's why I'm here!"

"How are you here without Draco? I thought the bond was keeping you attached at the hip these days?"

"It's been better for the past week or so. We're testing the limits of the bond today, this is the furthest apart we've been. It seems to have calmed down now that I'm doing better, but if either of us starts to feel off we'll both Apparate home."

"Good idea. Well, start reading and tell me if you find anything that sounds promising."

"Will do."


Harry went home disappointed that evening, having not discovered anything that would help recover Ron's memories after several hours of searching. He promised to come back with Draco and help Hermione with her research another day.

There was a strange tension in the house when Harry walked in the door. "Draco?"

"Up here, Harry! We have some...guests. In the drawing room." Draco called down to him in a tone that sounded forcibly calm.

"Alright, I'll be up in a moment!"

Harry reached out with both his enhanced senses and his magic. Two "guests." They smelled unfamiliar, but they both had vials of undiluted Wolfsbane on them. He wrinkled his nose in distaste and focused on listening to what was being said.

"As I've told you," Draco was saying, "you'll have to speak to Harry. But my understanding is that disputes between magical creatures are not to be interfered with by wizards. I'm not sure I understand why you're here."

Harry grinned. He could clearly picture the expression of annoyance and superiority on Draco's face without even needing to see it.

"The laws are changing quickly, Mr. Malfoy," Harry recognized the voice that answered. McDougal. "You would do well to keep up."

So McDougal had come sniffing around after all, as Christine had feared. No wonder Draco was on edge.

Harry walked into the room with his wand held loosely at his side, a calm expression on his own face. He hated that he needed the walking cane to make it up the stairs, but he held his head high when he addressed the two Aurors in the house.

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