18 | To Be Free

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The elation of Harry's news was quickly dampened as Draco quietly told him the events of the previous days at Wolf's Hollow.

"You can't blame yourself for this," Draco said forcefully, watching as Harry's eyes filled with the tears and guilt Draco had known were coming. "You were in Azkaban, sweetheart. This isn't your fault."

"But if I'd been here, if I hadn't goaded McDougal—"

"Stop." Draco cupped Harry's face in his hands. "McDougal would have done what he did no matter how you responded when he came to Grimmauld Place. This isn't your fault. But your pack, they—" Draco stroked a thumb over Harry's cheek, then leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "—they're all understandably shaken. You're still the Alpha, and they need your strength when you go to talk to them. Give them that, darling. Not guilt, not more pain or fear. Can you do that?"

Harry swallowed and nodded. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Draco pulled him into a tight hug before taking his hand and guiding him into the large living room where Christine and a large number of werewolves were gathered.

Harry went to Nadine first, and she swept him into a hug. "Draco told us what happened. I'm so sorry, Harry, are you alright?"

"I am now. I'm sorry I wasn't here. What about—Are you alright?"

"Most of us are," her voice shook slightly as she spoke. "Your friend is a fantastic Healer."

Harry turned to nod to Christine, who was standing between two makeshift beds containing Kasper and Sofia. A third bed was on Sofia's other side, a sheet reverently drawn over the body.

"Thank you."

Christine smiled and nodded back, before turning back to Sofia.

Harry faced Laith and Mia-Rose next, reaching out to touch Laith's shoulder. "Laith," he said softly. "I'm so sorry about Mathias."

Laith turned into his bondmate's arms and sobbed. "Thank you," Mia-Rose said softly, speaking for both of them.

Another powerful presence drew Harry's attention, and he turned to face the stranger. "Evan Gordon," the man said, holding out a hand. "I'm the Alpha of the nearest pack. Mia-Rose came to get us when Grace staged her coup, but your mate had already stopped the attack by the time we arrived."

Harry took in his friendly, relaxed demeanor, and the pleasant expression on his face. "Thank you for coming."

"Now that you're here, we'll be going," Evan indicated the six other unfamiliar werewolves behind him, "but if you ever need anything—"

"Likewise," Harry smiled.

Evan nodded, and the group of werewolves left.

Harry looked around at his little pack, eyes lingering on the sheet-covered body on the bed, and Draco gave his hand a squeeze as they all looked at him.

"I believe our first order of business is to hold a funeral to honor Mathias," he said, and Nadine nodded her approval. "After that, we'll deal with the rest."


Draco helped Harry up the stairs after the solemn funeral they held that evening. He filled the large bathtub in the Alpha suite with hot water and followed him in. Harry let Draco shampoo his hair and wash his body until the filth of the past two weeks was gone, dissipating into the magic-infused water.

He leaned back against Draco's chest, burying his nose against Draco's neck and breathing in deeply, reveling in his clean scent and in the bond that had settled now that they were reunited, but the trauma of being locked up and poisoned and coming back to Wolf's Hollow in the midst of chaos and pain still remained.

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