19 | Blackbird Fly

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Four Months Later

Draco shifted the tray of food into one hand and knocked softly before opening their bedroom door. "Harry?"

Harry was on the floor near the fireplace, naked and trembling from head to toe. He opened his eyes and blinked up at him for a moment before groaning and clenching then shut again.

"Oh, sweetheart," Draco breathed. This part would never be easy. He knelt beside his fiancé and gently put his hands on him. After conjuring a warm, sweet-smelling oil onto his hands with a new Spell he'd learned, Draco massaged Harry from his neck and shoulders down all the way down to his calves and feet. Harry let out soft hisses of relief as Draco softened the knots in his muscles. He summoned clothes from the wardrobe and carefully helped him get dressed, then helped him into bed. Harry was only semi-coherent, but he slurred 'thank you's' and 'I love you's' before going right back to sleep.

When Harry woke a few hours later, Draco was reading in a chair beside the bed.

"Merlin, Draco. What did you do?" Harry sighed, stretching his arms over his head. "I feel so much better than normal."

Blushing, Draco picked up the tray of food and offered it to him, and Harry sat up to take it.

"Just a simple massage technique I learned, I wasn't sure if it would help, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to experiment."

Harry smiled and reached out to stroke his cheek. "It was wonderful. You're wonderful."

"I'll do it again next month, then," Draco smiled and kissed him gently. "Now eat."

After Harry finished, Draco slid under the covers with him. "I can't believe how calm these last few months have been."

Harry grinned. "Bit boring, isn't it?"

"Boring?" Draco propped himself up on one arm to stare incredulously at him. "Between the sanctuary and the wedding we've been working nonstop! It's been exhausting!"

Harry shrugged, mischief in his eyes. "But no one's tried to kill me in ages. That's what's normal for me. This is just weird."

"I think the word you're looking for is 'nice,'" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Hm," Harry leaned over to kiss him. "That, too."

"Speaking of working nonstop...Mum wants to go over a few things for the wedding, so I need to pop over to Grimmauld for a few hours today. Will you be alright?"

"Yeah," Harry kissed him again. "I'm just going back to sleep anyway."

"Just a few more weeks," Draco smiled, "and we'll be married."

"Then you'll really be stuck with me," Harry laughed, closing his eyes.

"As if I'm not already," Draco kissed his forehead and climbed out of bed. "I'll see you later."


Harry found the rest of the Pack in the communal kitchen later that afternoon, just starting to prepare dinner.

He smiled at the new Alpha, officially transitioned as of that morning.

"Put me to work, Nadine."

Nadine started him chopping vegetables next to her so they could talk while they worked.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"The nausea and fever are finally gone after this last transformation," she smiled. "So I'm feeling much better. I feel a bit strange, though. Stronger, and I can tell what people are feeling. For example, you're missing Draco right now, you lovesick pup." She elbowed him and he yelped.

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