10 | Blackbird Singing

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Draco woke the next morning feeling perfectly content for the first time in months. He could feel Harry's warm body pressed along his back, one arm draped comfortably over his waist.

Harry shifted slightly behind him and buried his nose in the crook of Draco's neck, breathing in deeply.

"Merlin, you smell incredible." Warm lips pressed against the side of his throat, followed by the flick of a tongue and a pleased hum. "Taste nice, too."

Draco smiled and shook his head slightly against his pillow. "You're incorrigible. Didn't you get enough last night?"

"Of you?" Harry's lips brushed against Draco's neck as he whispered, "I'm not sure I ever could."

Heat washed over Draco's cheeks. "Cut that out, Potter. You're making me blush. No, don't stop that! Just...stop talking."

Harry laughed and continued his ministrations on Draco's neck, kissing and licking and sucking as his newly-bonded mate made little noises of pleasure.

Draco whined when he pulled away, but Harry just grinned down at him, eyes twinkling merrily.

"Will you marry me?"


"Marry me, Draco."

Draco rolled over and gaped at him. "Didn't we already...? I mean, last night..."

"Yes, but I mean legally...as wizards, not wolves—well, wolf," he amended.

Draco arched a brow. "I expect a proper proposal before I answer that. With a ring and a sufficiently soppy speech about how much you love me and can't live without me."

Harry chuckled and kissed him soundly. "You'll get one, I promise."

A smile played at the corner of Draco's lips as he responded, "Good. Now get back to kissing me."

Harry leaned in to press a soft, short kiss against his lips. "I need to get back to Wolf's Hollow this morning."

"Mmm. No, you don't. You need to stay here. In bed. With me. All day." Draco punctuated each break with a kiss, and Harry was tempted, but...

"I need to speak with Lorcan today. His forty-eight hours are up."

"Ugh. Well, now you've gone and killed the mood," Draco complained.

Harry swatted his arse playfully, then climbed out of bed. "Sorry, Drake. Just facing the facts."

"I hate the facts."

"I know. Get dressed so we can call Jenkins and ask for some breakfast. Do you want to come to Wolf's Hollow with me today?"

Draco stretched languidly, kicking off the sheets and smiling up at him. "Hm. Better not. I'm still feeling a bit...murdery."

Harry didn't answer, as his mouth had run dry at the sight of Draco stretching unabashedly on the bed, all long limbs and smooth pale skin. He swallowed hard. Draco smiled even wider when he caught him looking. He quickly adopted an innocent expression, but there was no masking the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Did you want something, Harry?"

"Sod it. Lorcan can wait." Harry tossed the clothes he had been pulling out of his wardrobe over his shoulder.

With a running jump, he pounced on top of Draco, bracing himself on his hands and knees above him, who grinned triumphantly up at him.

"So you can be seduced."

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