Twenty - Colt

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I jolt awake. Penetrating agony tears through my torso, crumpling me where I fight to stand. I need to run. Get away. I can't be here. I ain't letting him touch me again.

Collapsed back on what I realize is a bed roll I pant, quivering. Between the thundering of my heart and the fire in my chest, I can't get a full breath in. My surroundings come in slow and fuzzy, like adjusting the dial for a radio.

I'm in my apartment, on the mattress in the corner. Thin blankets tangle around my legs where I thrashed. The t-shirt is damp on my chest, sweat prickling on the nape of my neck.


I can't. Christ, it hurts. Ratchets my panic higher.

A jolly chiming comes from the milk crate serving as a bedside table. Half-comatose, I reach for my brick of a cell phone. Did an alarm wake me up?

No, a call. I poke the screen with shaking fingers. "H-hello?"

An automated voice. "Inmate Rios, Alejandro, ID r789670 is calling from Lebanon Correctional Institution. Press '1'or say -"

"Accept," I wheeze a bark.

"Connecting you with: Rios, Alejandro."

Breathe. Get it together. At this point, I ain't sure if I'll pass out from pain or hypoxia.

"Colt!" Alex's excited tenor comes through.

"Hey," I try for calm, don't want him fretting.

It doesn't work. He hears my harrowed breaths. "You okay?"

"Yeah." It's a lie. I feel like I'm about to crawl out of my skin. "I just - fuck."

"Colt, you're hurting." He knows just from my voice. "What happened?"

"I sat up too quickly. Broken ribs. I'm fine," I bite.

Alex doesn't believe me. I imagine those dark brows forming a scowl, lip between teeth. The look that says he knows something more is going on.

Rather than press, he murmurs softly. "How can I help?"

The tenderness in his tone mollifies some of the ache. I try to deep breathe, like the therapist taught me so long ago. Only I can't. Not without flaring the fractures. I need something other than agony to ground me.

"Talk to me," I grit. "Anything. I don't care."

He does, Latin lilt expressive and musical even through his concern. It's nonsense, jabbering about some soap opera character and their latest escapades. I focus on the tone, heedless of the words.

He's here. He's real. Not the monster.

Slowly, I'm able to breathe The apprehension eases. My heart ain't splintering my ribs further.

" now Maribel pregnant with Juanito's twin-brother's baby and is debating about telling him, since the genes are identical."

"Why do you watch that?" I manage to laugh.

"Because as fucked up as my life is, at least it's not that fucked up." He pauses for a moment before, "Colt, what happened?"

Convulsively, I rub my arms. Then scratch and dig them raw. Like I can somehow remove the blood on my hands.

"Colt?" He prompts again at my silence.

I remember how ashamed he'd looked, thinking he'd surfaced those memories. I can't admit that the wounds dehisce. That I have to sew them shut once more.

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