Twenty-Five - Alex

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A smile followed by merciful compliance. I taste the light tang of beer on his tongue, the fervent flavor of his lips. The underlying notes of smoke and bourbon and Colt.

My heart is full in this moment. He's given me something precious tonight. Memories that shaped him, made him the incredible man he is today. Beautiful and battered. I want to adore him, want nights like this to happen again and again.

I want to show him something other than pain.

I straddle his hips "This okay? Your ribs..."

"You can crush every bone in my body," he murmurs, pulling my lips back to his. "Just don't stop kissing me."

I meet him, ferocious and exacting. I've got him by the shoulders, he's got me by the waist. I'm stiff and slick in my boxers where I grind against him.

Dios me salve. He's incredible. I thought he was hot covered in grit. He is scalding now. All hard hewn muscle, ravenous energy, and delicious noises.

I ruck up his shirts. Colt parts the tongue-heavy kiss long enough to pull the offensive fabric off. Never mind that it's October and nearing the frost-point. Heat roils off him, tingles better than any narcotic. The best of highs with none of the let-down.

Lips move from his mouth to his neck. I bite, he moans. I do it harder and he expels a sound somewhere between a low yelp and "fuck".

"¿Sabes lo que me haces?" Hands on his cut obliques, counting the hard abdominals, admiring the ink that claims his moonlit skin. "Your eyes, your fucking tattoos. Dios mio, Colt."

A thumb reaches his nipple and he jerks. From the awed open mouth, he's as shocked as I am at the reaction. Then I grin, lower my head to rib the peaked flesh between tongue and teeth.

Colts head head lolls back on the truck bed. Groans and murmurs of pleasure symphonize with the rush of the river. Soft circles, hard nips. A very loud and highly satisfying tune complete with curses and whimpers from deep in his chest.

He's driving me crazy.

Big hands lock and twist in my hair, my clothing. Palms drag jagged, admiring pressure under my clothes. The callouses tease my chest, my stomach, lower –

"Puta madre!" The exclamation is thrown against his chest.

The withdrawal is immediate and dizzying. "You okay?"

I blink hard, try and focus. Language escapes me. "... it's been a minute."

Soft touches along the sensitized skin at my flank. "I can stop."

"No." Tongue along his neck, admiring the flare of goosebumps in the crisp night air. I coax his fingers back around my cock. "Don't."

Colt heaves a jagged breath. "Holy shit."

He pulls me close, like I'd try and move. I'm entirely his in the moment. Strong and measured in his rhythm, he watches my reactions. When he adjusts, I roll my hips against his pace. He learns how I like it, drags heavier and louder moans from deep in my chest. I pant, beg, curse.

Pale skin underneath the olive of my hands create a vision in the silver starlight. Hazel drips molten beads of rapture into my skin, admiring me. He seems to take it as a personal challenge to amplify the noises I'm aberrantly howling into the night. I close my eyes against the intensity of it all. His gaze, the heat, the tug that has become almost painful in my stomach.

"Alex." Look at me is the real command.

With monumental effort, I refocus. Meeting his slack-jawed arousal, the thread holding me back snaps. I convulse, hips jutting and rolling forward. I brace against his chest, moan and profane into the autumn air.


Colt discretely wipe away the mess. "Is that a good thing?"

I kiss his chest. "Si, querido. Absolutamente, si."

"God you're hot when you go off in Spanish." He groans as he pulls on his shirts.

"Mm." It's a breathy huff. "Not fair. I can't..." A laugh. "I'm not off my high yet."

"Let me drive you home."

I'm not ready for this to be over yet. Judging how he adjusts himself in his jeans, he's not either. He's just being better behaved, dammit. Nobody has ever gotten me off and not sought some sort of reciprocation.

And I want to reciprocate. "You wouldn't rather I sleep over?"

Eyes alight with tender ardor envelope me in delightful bliss. Even so, I see the tightness in the corners. Still pulling his punches.

"I would love it." He all but groans. "But we're moving slow, remember? I won't be able to control myself with you that close."

"Then don't." I state matter-of-factly. Nothing would please me more than to have him unbridled. "Wear a condom. Or I'll wear a condom. Fuck it, we'll both wear condoms, make it a party." I crawl into his lap once more. "Just let me have this."

"Alejandro." The hard look reminds me of Lebanon. That same explicit warning he gave the boy who swung on him with the lock-in-the-sock. "You know what needs to happen before we get there."

Why is he pushing? What have I said that makes him think I don't understand? Is there something else? Tolerance of me like those first few weeks as cellmates. A convenient distraction.

Colt cups my face, banishes my doubt. "I want you. I also want you protected. I've fucked up enough in my life. I don't ever want to ruin you."


Hello! Thanks for reading and your continued attention to this story :D. I appreciate everything you say, positive or negative.

Technically this part doesn't need to be in here for the purpose of plot. But I figure it's time for another steamy scene. ;D

Feedback on the scene in general?

Alex keeps pushing xD. It'll be fun when/if he ever snaps that self-control.

Stay safe out there! Use the quarantine to write, y'all! :D

~ T

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