XXX. Mysteries To Solve

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I stared at Rami and waited for her to respond.

"I want to you to tell me everything."

I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to remember it all.

"I was sleeping. Van put me to sleep because I can't stop crying and panicking."

I remembered how scared and devastated I was when I saw Harriet's body.

"Then, I woke up. The blinding light from the sun woke my unconscious body..."

"I closed my eyes to block it... Then, I tried to move... But I just can't."

"Then I heard a strangely familiar and chilling voice of a woman... I felt like I already heard her voice before, like I already experienced this before..."

"Then, she told me 'I told you before, don't search for someone who cannot be seen by the naked eye.' then I remembered her. She was the same woman I dreamt of when Victor was still here. She was the same woman I dreamt before Kelly tried to poison me."

"So, you have already seen her in your dreams and she's still haunting you?" Rami asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Then I began to float... She was so angry at me, I don't know why... She made me look at the mirror, and then I saw my reflection... But I don't have control over my reflection... She have."

"So, you mean... She looked just like you?" Rami asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"She told me, "I am You."

The door opened that made me and Rami stood up.

"Ermm. What are you guys doing here?" Ashley asked, staring at us.


"Nothing." I grabbed Lorraine by the hand and led her outside.

Giovanni and Timothy didn't saw us because they were talking to each other.

We sat on the stairs outside and talked.

"Continue." I said.


"Of course, I was confused. So, I yelled at her."

I closed my eyes and tried to remember it all.


"No! That doesn't make any sense!" I yelled furiously.

She only laughed at me. "Then why do I look like you?"

I hissed. "No. You're not me and I'm not you. What do you want from me, Jennifer? Who are you?!"

She went silent.

"I want justice..."

As soon as she told me that, Jennifer disappeared in the mirror, and I only saw myself.

"I want justice." She whispered sadly.

I looked around, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you think Harriet's lying when she told you that my killer is free?" She cried.

"My parents died because of that son of a bitch. I died! My dreams, fame and money was all in vain, because I was killed!" She spat. "I want justice, Lorraine. Give that to me."

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