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          Levi was never a fan of school. All the loud assholes, girls with too much makeup and not enough clothes, and the general shittiness of the building itself. The fucking paint might as well be peeling off the walls, what kind of college was this? So without a doubt, this was undoubtedly hell for him. Didn't help that people didn't seem to know how to look where they were going. One of them being the rabid dog named Hanji Zoe.

With her brown ponytail with bangs falling out from her antics, and a crazed smile always adorning her face, she slammed right into Levi with about the force of a great dane. How had he not seen her coming? She was as loud as a train and had the graciousness of a crackhead having a seizure. Levi hit the ground hard, a grunt escaping him. Several people gasped around him, watching with wide eyes at what was about to happen.

The thing about Levi was that he was small. Like, really small. Five foot three to be exact. He could've passed for a middle schooler at his height. However, Levi was anything but a child. He was pale as a ghost with hair as black as a raven, and small eyes that looked like they'd seen far too much and could kill at a glance. Anybody who looked at him saw a skinny fighter, but without so much of a second glance could tell that he wasn't weak either. The school they went to was large, but most had heard the name Levi Ackerman. He fought anyone who looked at him wrong and won every time. He didn't take shit from anyone. ESPECIALLY the ones who touched him. He hated people touching him. Everyone knew this and knew to keep their distance. But this loud, obnoxious woman just slammed him and knocked him on his ass, and she was laughing? The sight was like watching it snow in hell – impossible!

Levi sat there for a second, trying to comprehend who the hell had the audacity to put him on the ground and laugh at him. He then recognized the voice. The one known as Shitty Glasses in his world, Hanji. Once she realized who she'd knocked down, she lost her mind. Her hands couldn't muffle the hyena noises coming from her, and the glasses couldn't block the tears that escaped her eyes at the sight of Levi on the ground. She hadn't even noticed 20 or so people staring at her like she was about to be ground up and made into hamburgers. Slowly, Levi stood up off the ground, wiping his hands and jeans to rid the dust and dirt sticking to him now. He could hear the murmuring around him but didn't spare a glance.

"Oh my god, he's going to kill her!"

"Who does she think she is?!"

"Does she know who she just ran into?"

"Why isn't anyone stopping this?! This is murder!"

With a gasp of air, Hanji calmed herself down slightly and wiped the tears from her face. She smiled widely and wrapped an arm around Levi's shoulders, jerking out a few gasps around her. "Sorry Levi! Didn't see you there! I mean, no surprise, but still-"

"Hanji, if you don't get off of me in the next two seconds, I will break your arm."

His deep voice ran throughout the silence. He was getting very tired of all these people staring at him like he was about to lose his sanity over being knocked over. He wasn't happy about it, but he wasn't a killer or some shit. She just giggled and walked over to stand in front of him.

"Aw, you know you wouldn't do that. You love me too much!"

He cast his signature glare at her which only made her laugh and pushed past her, planning on heading to their shared biology class. She continued to laugh as she jogged to catch up with him. She slowed her stride and continued to walk with him, blabbering about whatever science project she'd started this time. Last time she had gotten the idea that only drinking Gatorade for a week straight would turn her bodily fluids the color of the drink. She hadn't been wrong, unfortunately. When they turned the corner, Levi spotted something very agitating. Or should he say, someone. Right down the hall was his sister, Mikasa, and a brunette boy he had never seen before. Well, he probably has seen him, he just didn't care to remember. They were sitting on a bench outside one of the classrooms, laughing.

Nerves {An Ereri Fanfiction} REWRITTEN FROM ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now