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       Faster than Levi would have preferred, the weekend came along. This meaning it was the day he would go on a short trip with Eren and meet his family. He'd spent the prior night giving Levi "what to, and what not to do's" on his parents as a warning He'd already learned Eren's parent's English wasn't perfect but was enough to get around. Not that this particularly bothered Levi, he was from France himself. He'd been in the US a much shorter time than Eren had, but he definitely had less of an accent than the younger.

       With tense movements, he quickly packed a bag of weekend clothes. He'd be there until Sunday since it was Eren's first visit home since summer. So that meant two days' worth of clothes, two sets of pajamas, toothbrush, hairbrush, cologne.. And now Levi was even more anxious. He hated trips just because he always felt like he would leave something he needed behind. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealed a certain smiling brunette. Eren dropped his backpack on the floor at the foot of Levi's bed, walking over to the shorter. He had gotten better since they met at reading Levi's emotions, so he couldn't definitely tell the other was nervous.

       "Levi, calm down. My parents aren't that bad." Eren wrapped his arms around Levi, leaning his chin against the top of his head. He loved his height advantage because it made Levi seem small, young, adorable. Not at all like the grumpy grandpa he was. To his own surprise, Levi didn't pull away; he just relaxed slightly in his hold with his arms limp beside him.

       "Not nervous." His words came out slightly muffled due to being buried in Eren's collarbones/chest, but Eren heard him crystal clear. He chuckled and left a barely-there kiss to the top of his head. That had become one of Eren's favorite things to do to the other; much else usually made Levi walk away and grumble out of embarrassment. Two days ago, he'd done it in a hallway and gasps erupted around him. How did he just survive? Oh my god, he just kissed Levi. LEVI! He's dead.

       Eren had frowned and looked at them questiongly, but one strong scowl from Levi made 99% of them scurry away like little mice. Eren had just shaken it off and continued on his way to walk Levi to class. Something else he'd taken to in the last few weeks. Especially that one, as he knew how much the raven hated his economics class. Necessary class? Yes. Enjoyable class? Not a chance in Hell.

       He released Levi slowly, letting him finish his packing. After a few minutes of small talk, they were both finally ready to hit the road. They made their way out to Eren's car, which he'd somehow managed to get parked right in front of their dorm, and loaded it up. Before they even got out of the parking lot, Levi had grabbed the aux and plugged it in, playing soft indie music as background noise. Eren wasn't a large personal fan himself, his preferred taste being K-Pop, but he knew it was calming to the other, so he never said anything.

       They drove for what felt like days to Levi, even though he knew they were only in the car for 4 hours total (almost 5 because some dumbass almost caused a wreck). He and Eren had switched every other pit stop, just because he wanted to make sure the taller could get a break from staring at miles and miles of empty road. When Eren finally pulled them up to his house, Levi was ready to run to freedom. His ass was numb, and he wanted real air, not cotton candy scented car air. Yes, Eren did have a cotton candy air freshener in his side door. He was ready to beat him with it when he smelled it at first.

       They both got out and stretched immediately, glad to have the horrid drive over. Eren glanced over at Levi, noticing his shirt had risen slightly and blushed. Pale.

       "Stop staring, dumbass." Levi's neutral looked had returned, with his arms now crossed over his chest. If possible, Eren would have melted into the ground for being caught.

       "I was not." Levi just scoffed and went to grab his backpack, but when he opened the back door, he noticed Eren had dragged it out the other side. "You're a guest, let me take care of you." He smiled happily, and jogged up the front steps to open the door. Levi followed behind slowly, keeping himself behind Eren to make sure he didn't distract any reunion with their son. He knew how parents were – when an unknown person shows up, they look at him first. Happened more than enough when he was a kid.

Nerves {An Ereri Fanfiction} REWRITTEN FROM ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now