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          Levi hated psychology with an absolute burning passion. Why the hell does he even need to take the dumbass class? He's a business administration major, for fuck's sake! As he grumbled on about this silently, he tried to focus on the stupid textbook in front of him. He had to reread the same paragraph probably six times now because a certain idiot kept making noises. Levi glanced up at the brown-haired boy sitting feet away on another couch, who's eyebrows were squished together, and lips formed a small pout. While looking at him, Eren huffed again, slamming his laptop closed.

"Fuck this! I give up!" He put it on the floor and flopped onto his back, arms crossed over his face. Levi stared at him with a blank expression, trying to decide mentally if he should ignore him or if he should chuck his own textbook at Eren.

"What's the problem, Jaeger." He looked back down at the textbook, deciding on a complete other option in total. If he can get him to shut up, maybe he can get some work done. It doesn't help that every time Eren startles him or makes a sound that Levi's chest gets a funny feeling.

Eren turns on his side, flashing puppy dog eyes a Levi. "I don't want to do this anymore," suddenly, he sat up with a big smile, "let's get ice cream-"


Just as fast as Eren came up with the idea, Levi's monotone voice shut him down. He started his pouting again, scooting closer to prop his chin in his hands. "But why?"

Levi took a deep breath, closing the laptop and folding his hands in his lap. He looked at Eren with half-closed eyes. Eren didn't think he could look more bored if he tried. "We've been here an hour and have nothing done. The stupid ass professor assigned us as partners for the stupid ass project, and it's due next week." Eren's face quickly went from begging to confused at these words.

"Levi, we were assigned as partners literally today. We don't have to have it all done in one day."

The raven was growing annoyed quickly. The longer they took on this project, the more time he'd have to spend with the brat. The more time he spent with the brat was more chance that something would happen; something that Levi did not want.

"I'd rather get it down ASAP, so I never have to see you again." With a face devoid of emotion and voice monotone, Eren hoped he was joking.

Eren gasped dramatically, handheld to his heart, "How could you say that!? You know you love me!" Levi's face practically turned into a snarl.

"I'd love a hysterectomy more than you, Brat."

Eren's mouth dropped open, stuttering as Levi started packing his things to leave. "A hysterectomy?! Dude, you're not even a girl what does that mean???"

Levi stood, messenger bag on his shoulder and hands in his bomber pockets. "Tch. Figuratively, idiot." He turned around and starting walking away, causing Eren to panic and throw his stuff together to follow. Once he was ready, he ran over to Levi and threw an arm around his neck. As he did this, he realized how much shorter Levi was. They never really stood side by side like this, so it shocked him. He did not get much of a chance to stand there as Levi pushed him off roughly, glaring at him.

"The fuck are you doing, Shithead?" Levi's hands were by his side now. Eren looked at his posture and could only see this as a defensive reaction, like he was ready to fight if Eren made a wrong move. His hands went up, a symbol of surrender.

Levi took a step back before turning heel and walking slightly faster away. Eren didn't know what to do so he just ran to catch up before he lost sight of the man. They'd just made it outside of the student center when Levi stopped abruptly and turned to Eren.

Nerves {An Ereri Fanfiction} REWRITTEN FROM ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now