A Child In Need

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I'm wrote this one while in my math class hope that you enjoy :)

General POV
T.K and Carlos were enjoying their nightly walk to the grocery store since it's wasn't that far and plus they were only getting snacks.

Time Skip( because I'm lazy)

Carlos POV
Walking back with about 4 bags and laughing with the love of my life, all of a sudden there was a clash of thunder "oh really?" I heard T.K yell and we started running. We run past an ally then I heard a little gasp so we stop and started walking down the alley and see a little child about 3 or 4 years old we walk a little closer to see its a little boy who looks way too skinny for his age. He looks at us terrified "hey we not gonna hurt you we are here to help" he calms down a bit "what are ya doing out here?" I heard T.K ask. After he let out the cutest sneeze I've ever heard he answered "my uncle told me to stay here......but-" another cute sneeze cuts him off "but what?" I asked "that was a long time ago" WHAT?!!! Thinking to myself who would do this to a child I tried to keep my anger in and T.K. saw that and took over "can you stand?" T.K asked, he slowly shakes his head then looks at his legs I look down he looks extremely weak "I'm gonna have to carry you....is that ok?" I asked, he slowly nods I gently pick him up after giving him my hoodie to cover him up as we ran home before the storm got worse.

Part 2????
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