Read you to sleep- Tarlos

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It's currently 1:47am I hope you enjoy:)

Just after his shift ended on Friday, TK had said goodbye to his team, his father and his boyfriend, and hopped on a flight from Texas to Honolulu to visit his family. He was staying with his cousins for the next week to celebrate his auntie(on his mom side) wedding, and would return the next Friday.
He was sad that he would be missing out on crazy calls with his team, and cute little dates with his boyfriend. But he was glad to be able to catch up with his other relatives, participate in the wedding.

He would have asked Carlos to come, but most of his relatives were not the most.. progressive as he would like. Especially his older relatives. T.K truly loves Carlos, but he also wants to maintain peace with his relatives for now.

Now, T.K was a few days into his stay, laid down, attempting to sleep on a rolled out futon in his older cousin's room. Normally he would be sharing the room with his cousin, however they were studying abroad so this time he had the room to himself, although sleeping in his cousin's bed felt weird to him, so he settled for the futon. If he said he was getting good sleep, he'd be lying. Honolulu was pretty quiet in the first place, even if they lived on the outskirts. Plus he didn't travel to Honolulu often, so he wasn't used to the home he was staying in. And finally, he didn't have Carlos tan, strong, muscular, toned- T.K stopped himself there and covered his blushing face, letting the moment of fangirling pass. Anyways, he didn't have Carlos arms there to fall asleep in, nor a goodnight kiss.

He always adored getting these small tokens of affection from Carlos , but he didn't realize how much he would miss them until now. Truth be told, these last couple of days were exhausting, and the lack of sleep didn't help. T.K almost wanted to have a burnout cry and move on, but he didn't want to wake anyone on accident. 'Maybe Carlos is still awake right now?' T.K wondered as he turned, arm propping himself up onto his side.

T.K sat there staring at his phone in the dark, debating firstly, if he should even call Carlos this late into the night, and secondly, what exactly could Carlos do for him.

'Stupid thought, I don't want to wake him,' T.K thought to himself as he laid back down.

Not even five seconds later, he shot back up again, with his arm propped and everything, and grabbed his phone, turning it on.

He always loved just staring at his home screen's background. It was a picture of him and Carlos during a New Years black and white party, himself in a black buttoned up shirt with white pants. Carlos was wearing an all white outfit which I didn't like very much but boy did it suit him. They were on the balcony in one hand, Carlos held up his phone, his other arm securely around T.K's waist, so that they were hip to hip. T.K held a peace sign between him and Carlos, and a sparkler in his outside arm. The pair were smiling hugely with fireworks in the background. Everything about that day, that night, that man was so perfect to T.K. He really didn't deserve him.

It was only until T.K snapped out of it that he realized he had spent around thirty minutes just staring at the picture, not even reaching out to Carlos yet. Although if Carlos was asleep, T.K guessed that he could settle for just staring at the picture and imagining his voice.

T.K opened his message and sent a simple "Hey, you up?'" to Carlos. Within seconds Carlos replied.

"Yeah why? Is everything okay?"

T.K fiddled with sentences. What should he say? Should he be upfront and tell him that he was having trouble sleeping? Or would that worry him too much? Gosh he'd feel bad if it worried Carlos, that was one of the last things he wanted to do. But, he was in a relationship with him, and weren't you supposed to be able to tell eachother things?

He must have taken a while trying to figure out what to say, because another text popped up from Carlos.

"Babe?? Are you there? Are you okay?"

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