pt. 3 Fun

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Orchird let me change out of my muddy clothes in her room, and rinse my hair.

She said most of her clothes were dirty so she gave me a pair of Arum's jogging pants and his "Night on Elm Street" shirt

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She said most of her clothes were dirty so she gave me a pair of Arum's jogging pants and his "Night on Elm Street" shirt.

"Sorry Y/n, but I don't think he'll mind", Orchird apologized.

Arum didn't seem like the type to like scary movies, but I guess that's just one more thing we have in common.

After putting the outfit on, you put the Freesia Arum had given you back in your hair.

The entire outfit smelled like him, like cologne and the earthly scent of soil, sweet but wholesomely balanced. Intoxicating.

"Uh...Y/n does the shirt stink?", Orchird quizzed.

To even my surprise, I had nuzzled my face into a handful of Arum's shirt.
"It smells like him".

"Yeah, tis his shirt", Orchird responded slyly, a smile entering her visage.
"Well I gotta run around the corner to the store for some supper items, you're welcome to dine with us, bye love", she said as she grabbed her satchel and left.

You made yourself comfortable on Orchird's bed and took your phone from your satchel.

Y/n: I'm gonna stay and eat dinner at the Smith's

Mother: Well if you're so reluctant to eat with someone other than your own family, then why don't you just live there!

*end of text messages*

"So I'll be staying the night", you thought to yourself.


There was a knock on Orchird's door, followed by "so will you be joining us for supper ?", from Arum.

"I'll be staying the night actually, if its okay with you guys", you responded hesitantly.

"Brilliant", he replied cheerfully. "I'll prepare the the guest room, or would you prefer to sleep in Orchird's room?"

(The Smith's pronounce Room as Rum due to their accent)

"You don't have to go through all that trouble, I'll just stay in here with Orchird". You looked down at the hard wood floor in shame of how pathetic you seemed at the moment. You had no where to go but to your neighbors, you couldn't even stay at your own house.

There was a moment of silence that, for you, seemed to last an eternity until he said "D...did that Mum of yours do something again?"

"Oh..don't worry about it, it's fine, you know how she is an..."

Before you could finish your sentence, the door opened to reveal a worried Arum with a comforting forced smile on his face.

"I feel like you'll tell me the truth if we're face to face, it's quite harder to lie if the person is right in front of you, so to me Y/n."

He sat down on the bed next to you. Your heart began to beat through your chest. This was the first time a guy had genuinely shown that he cared about you. It made you overwhelmingly happy.

"I don't really want to talk about it at the moment", you said facing your attention from the floor to his dim, glistening green eyes.

"Okay", he replied calmly with a sigh. "Oh you still kept the Freesia; I guess you really do fancy them, huh?"

"Quite a bit, yes", you say adjusting the flower.

"Hey Arum, I-I wanna do something fun".

Arum smiled," I been waiting for you to say that and it happens that I have something in mind, come on!", he said grabbing your arm and pulling you outside.

"MUM DAD I'M GOING OUT WITH Y/N!", he screamed.

"HAVE FUN SON, BE SAFE, AND BE A GENTLEMAN!", Mrs.Smith responded.

He picked you up bridal style and set you on the back of his bike.


"Yeah, but that wouldn't have made you blush now would it, doll", he said getting on the bike. You were completely red. He was such an idiot, a cute, adorable idiot.

He began pedaling out of the neighborhood and soon you turned onto a sand path, clouded with trees and greenery, completely blocking out the now setting Sun.

"Hey wait...where are we going, doofus?"

"Its just at the end of this enclosure, stick with me".

A few minutes later the tunnel of green opened up into a narrow incline trail on the side of a cliff. There was a beautiful view of the orangish setting sun and the pushing and pulling tides as they crashed and recided on the beach.

The Freesia nestled between hair strands, loosened and glided with the wind.
You watch as it dances in the breeze off the side of the cliff.

"MY FRIKIN FLOWER!!", you screeched trying to grab the flower without causing the bike to shake.

You failed.

"FORGET THE BLOODY THING, WE'RE ON A CLIFF YOU LOUD ARSE BANSHEE", Arum yelled back trying desperately to steady the bicycle.

"Calm the fuck down unless you want to end up at the bottom of a ditch", he said calming down and recovering from your outburst.

Arum had a very light, warming personality. He was welcoming to all persons who took the time to know him, and he genuinely treasured all of his friends. He was always there when you needed him and he always knew how to comfort you when you were down. He was definitely one of the kindest and patient people on Earth, so you had to do something REALLY REALLY UNBELIEVABLY STUPID for Arum to even consider reacting negatively. Almost sending both of you over a cliff for a flower, costing you both your lives because you couldn't control yourself definitely fit the bill. Arum was pissed, and it showed. He was now tense, he sat up straight and gripped the handlebars for dear life.

"Honestly Y/n, it's a flower, there's a whole bed of them in the garden, you can't ju....."

You buried your head in his straightened back and wrapped your arms around his chiseled  midsection.

Arum P.O.V

A shiver went through my spine. Y/n was genuinely sorry and she seemed a little sad.

"H-hey it's fine, we're fine", I stammered.

She close. Y/n was so warm against my back and her arms were so loving. As we rode in the wind, her hair tickled the back of my neck. My cheeks were on FIRE.

I can't focus like this. As much as I tried not to notice, Y/n had really developed in her....upper abdominal area. My head was spiraling and my cheeks betraying me, but she was just so...comfortable. Its like riding with a pillow around me. I really wanted this ride to last forever, but all good things must come to an end.
We arrived at our destination.

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