Pt.5 Confusion and Sporadic Events

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It had been a few minutes and you were starting to get worried about Arum, but the spring was so warm and comfortable.

"He'll come back eventually", you say sinking into the water.

Seconds after your claim you hear...

"Y/n! *huff* theres someone else*huff* coming *gasp*".

It was Arum, doubled over, panting.

"Are you okay?", you ask, unsure of what was going on.

There was a rustle in a nearby bush.


(He says fookin)
You did as he commanded, floating yourself to the side of the rushing fall. You pressed yourself against cold mountain side, behind the fall.

"Are you okay, dude; were you yelling at something?", Mace asked emerging from the bushes.

Arum made a dash for the clothes he lent you, just in time for Arum to completely emerge.

"Yeh, there was a biiiird thaaat ATTACKED ME", Arum improvised with the clothes behind his back.

"Oh okaaaay", Mace said taking off his shirt for a dive.

"Well let's hop in!!", he added, running and jumping into the spring.

As Mace submerged into the spring's rejuvenating warmth, Arum quickly made his way toward the waterfall and threw you your borrowed garments. He then jumped into the spring and made his way towards Mace.

"Its soo waaarrrm!", Mace cooed.

"Yeh", Arum responded, clearly out of it.

"Arum?", Mace quizzed.
There was no response.

"YEAH?", Arum exclaimed, averting his attention to the boy, hoping he hadn't noticed your presence.

"Im sorry, I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find your house key; I'm really really sorry, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?", he said, a look of sadness and defeat on his face.

"Oh, uh cheers for looking, but I remembered it's in my shirt pocket!"

"Oh thank goodness for that, huh?", Mace said, a smile forming on his face.



I wonder who Arum is talking to whilst I get dressed. It was nice of him to warn me about the person, but I can't just forget about what he did before he left. AND WHAT THE HELL DID HE MEAN BY "The things you do to me". It makes me blush just to think about it.


He was just joking right? Definitely!


After you had gotten all dressed you stepped out from behind the waterfall and walked over to the spring to see who Arum was with. Oddly enough, the boy looked strangely familiar.

"Y/n!?!", both the boys said spontaneously.

"Mace!?", you said in surprise.

"When did you get here, Y/n?", Mace asked.

"I came up here with, Arum, but I left to go explore when Arum left to go pee", you said casually.

"Hey! Not everyone needs to know when I go to use the loo!", Arum responded , embarrassed and irritated.


"How do you know Mace?", Arum asked you, a bit confused since you had never mentioned anything to him, about Mace.

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