pt.7 Morning Sunshine

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(WARNING: Major Language in the content below may upset some readers)

Previous night: Sunday

Everyone had fallen asleep on Orchird's bed.
Orchird's figure hung halfway off the bed, whilst you cuddled the girl's mid-section, and Arum had his nose buried in your hair.

You woke up first to see it was 7:20!?
You had to be on the bus by 40!

"GUYS WAKE UP!!" you screamed.

"WHAT? WHERE?", Orchird yelled as she fell off the bed.

"IM UP!!", Arum replied, sitting straight up.

"ITS FRICKEN 7:20 AND I DON'T HAVE ANY OF MY SHIT!", you screeched.

"Most of your school work is in your locker already, correct?", he said trying to calm you down.

"Yeah", you said taking a breath and lowering your tone.

Arum got up and began pacing the floor.

"Good, so you don't need, nor have the time, to run back home for anything-", he began, but was cut off.

"But, I still don't have anything to wear and my phone is probably dead",you said getting up and stretching.

"Yes, most of my stuff is still dirty and so are your robes from the other day. AND NO I didn't do any laundry this weekend, I got lazy", Orchird stated.

Arum grabbed your hand and pulled you to his room. He told you to sit on his bed while he found you something clean to wear. After digging through his closet for a while he stood up and gave you another t-shirt and the smallest pair of jeans he had.  The jeans fit loosely, but it wasn't anything a belt couldn't fix.
The shirt was a little oversized, so you ended up tucking it in, along with cuffing the jeans.

(Something like this)

You walked out of the guest bathroom, also on the 2nd floor hallway, fully dressed and hair combed

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You walked out of the guest bathroom, also on the 2nd floor hallway, fully dressed and hair combed. Just as you were making your way to Orchird's room to grab your phone and satchel, Arum came out of his room shouting...

He stopped when he saw you.

"My, My, you sure did make that work, didn't you now, doll", he said complimenting, and taunting, you; you could tell by his smirk.

He was now leaning one shoulder against the wall and resting his head upon it. He was wearing a long sleeved, black and white striped shirt with some jeans and some black, lace up Vans.

"Shut up", you said as you lightly kicked him in his shins, slightly ticked.

He giggled at your attack and proceeded to poke at you.

"Come on, that's no way to treat someone who's complimenting you", he said, his smile only widening.

You crossed your arms, clicked your tongue, and continued on your way. Just before you made it to her room, Orchird burst out  with her school bag and your satchel.

"LET'S GO!!!", she yelled as she booked it down the stairs. She had on a checkered top, tucked into some ripped jeans, a black jean jacket, and some bright red, high top converse.

You followed and so did Arum after he grabbed his bag.

It was 7:38 and You, Arum, and Orchird were all running to the bus stop, everyone with a different breakfast item in their mouth. You, a peice of toast - Arum, a cold, blueberry poptart - Orchird, a granola bar.

When you all arrived at the bus stop, the bus had just turned onto your corner. You had made it by the skin of your teeth.

You all boarded the vehicle and took your seats. You and Orchird sat together in a seat, located in the middle of the bus, while Arum took a seat with one of his friends nearer to the back.

You didn't really find the need to socialize with the loud ass, obnoxious kids on the bus like some people did- Arum. It took effort and energy to try to make friends, to "fit in", energy that you really didn't have. Especially on a day like today. This bus is only good for one thing, transport, free civilian transport, not enjoyment. You took out your earbuds and plugged them into your phone.........your dead phone.

"Fuck!", you whispered under your breath.

Great! Now you had to listen to the headache provoking sons of bitches.
Today's gonna be a looong day.

Once you arrived at school and all of the snot-nosed shits flooded off the bus, and you headed towards a bench to take a breath. The day hadn't even begun and you were already exhausted.


The bell rang for students to go to their lockers.

Unfortunately for you, your locker was by the person you hated most, Jenna Quinn. Now without your best friend, your biggest line of defense and offense  gone, dealing with her was going to be alot more difficult than it had been. You and Jenna both had top lockers, the problem was, they were right besides each other.

"Fatass, can you make room for the rest of us", she said giggling to the rest of her posse. She didn't need to get anything from her locker for her first period, P.E., nor did she have anything with her, besides her handbag that she carried with her to every class, to put up. She was just simply fucking with you.

"Maybe I wouldn't have to if your Peter Griffin lookin ass laid off the donut..oh no....don't tell me...the lean cuisines aren't working as well as you wish they would", you said not taking your eyes off the contents of your locker.

"Listen here you little slut-", she began, forcefully shutting your locker, barely missing your finger.

She had you pinned against the locker bay, and everyone was staring.

"You may think you've got your shit together now, but trust me, without your loyal guard dog around, some things are about to change", she spoke slowly.

That's when you heard a familiar voice.
"Hey Jenna? What are you doing with Y/n?", Arum asked, breaking through the thick crescent of spectators that had formed.

"Nothing Aruuum, I was just having a little chatsie with my darling, Y/n", Jenna lied, brightening her tone and releasing you.

She quickly turned to you and mouthed the words "Watch yourself, bitch", before running and gluing herself to Arum's forearm.

Jenna Quinn had maintained a huge crush on Arum since 6th grade and had been pursuing him ever since, but thankfully, Arum had never once showed signs of interest.
As you reopen your locker to get your math textbook, something fell out.

(Your Schedule)(Your schedule didn't fall out)

(1st - Algebra
2nd- Biology
3rd- P.E.
4th- English
"Aloha Time"/Lunch break
5th- History
6th- French
7th- Photography )

It was a photograph of you and your best friend, Beera at the carnival. God, you missed your bestfriend, but she moved and nothing could change that reality, for now anyways. If you ever wanted to see her again, you had to make it through 3 more years in this hell hole they called a school. You shoved the picture in between the pages of your math book and quickly made your way to your first period class.

Let's get this over with.

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