Chapter 1

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Brian gently laid his daughter down into her crib, holding his breath as a classical record played softly in the background. As Liz's head fell back against the mattress, he slowly pulled his hands out from underneath her—her little eyes fluttering before slipping shut again. The corner of Brian's lips perked up triumphantly as he backed away from the crib, tiptoeing towards the door so as to not make another sound, worried it might wake his daughter.

Once in the hallway, he closed the door behind him, leaving it open just a crack, and retreated downstairs. He was headed towards the kitchen, going to get himself a celebratory drink, when a knock echoed through the house from the foyer. The professor tensed up in preparation of hearing the shrill cries that had rung in the couple's ears almost every night for weeks, but instead there was silence. He couldn't even hear the record playing from his daughter's room.

With an eyebrow raised in suspicion, he looked back over his shoulder, staring at the entrance he'd walked in and out of countless times before without a second thought, but now he feared there was something terrible awaiting him on the other side. Surely this paranoia was fueled by his lack of sleep—it had to be, he convinced himself—and so when the knock sounded a second time, he rushed to the door and pulled it in. His heart nearly stopped when he saw what—or rather, who—was standing on his steps.

"Roger?" he whispered—his voice strained as his eyes fell upon his visitor's unnaturally raised chest, caged behind a white button-down tucked neatly into a black A-line skirt. The sight was admittedly a little shocking, considering he'd never seen him dressed in such a way before in person, but the blonde pigtailed wig situated atop his head and the yellow and purple striped tie pinched underneath his crossed arms seemed familiar. The box, the professor remembered, I saw them in the box Roger took with him when we ran off. They were right on top.

Snapping himself out of the daze he had slipped into, Brian swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and shifted his gaze back up to the blonde's unrelenting blue eyes. "W-What are you—"

Roger brought a finger up to the professor's lips and shushed him—his pursed, pink lips evolving into a seductive smirk that said everything his voice didn't.

A dopey smile spread across Brian's face in response to the younger man's show of dominance, his excitement intensifying when he was forcefully pushed back into the hallway, silently wondering when Roger became so strong. His eyes remained glued on the dressed-up form striding towards him, the extensive outfit that he typically preferred to be forgotten suddenly seeming incredibly captivating.

His mind spun in turn with his body, relaxing into the strong hands that tightly gripped his shoulders and pulled his body flush to the shorter man's. Warm breath tickled the side of Brian's neck as Roger whispered something in his ear, the actual words getting lost in the confusing and rapidly devolving state of the professor's mind. His hips instinctively rolled back to meet the obvious bulge lewdly poking through Roger's skirt, and he quietly whined when the contact immediately left him and was replaced with a knee to the back of his leg.

Brian got the message, nevertheless, and willed his already wobbly legs to climb up the steps—an easy task in everyday life that seemed near impossible at the moment. The thought of Roger staring him down as a faint pair of footsteps followed his actions proved to be his greatest motivation, the prospect of renewing their forbidden love inside his home with Chrissie making his own tight trousers strain around his crotch.

He allowed himself to be manhandled once again upon reaching the stop of the stairs, the powerful grip returning to his face when the blonde turned him around to forcefully connect their lips. His hands tangled themselves into Roger's hair, the shorter strands that had escaped from underneath the wig only spurring him on as they waltzed back into the wall.

A shameless pout appeared on Brian's face when Roger pulled back, the button-up he didn't remember putting on not exactly living up to its name as a finger trailed down his exposed chest and made his already heaving breaths worse. Just before reaching the zipper of Brian's pants, the wandering hand took a detour to unexpectedly capture Brian's hand, Roger—now dressed in a much more casual and not feminine outfit—yanking him towards the bedroom with a wicked grin.

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