Chapter 59

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Roger's eyes flickered to meet Brian's compassionate ones, a wave of guilt washing over him and compelling him to explain, "I mean, that's all I've ever done, and now that you've got a family—"

"Hold on," the professor cut him short, eliminating the distance between them and looking down into the blonde's glistening eyes. "What makes you think that all you've done is mess things up for me?"

Roger scoffed. "Are you kidding me? Brian, all I've ever done for you since I took that stupid job is—"

"Shown me what life can be like if you open yourself up to it," Brian finished for him, the corner of his lips curling upward into a grin as he tucked a piece of hair behind the blonde's ear. "There's a whole world out there that I didn't know about until I met you, Roger. If it wasn't for you, I...I wouldn't be where I am today." Before the blonde could misconstrue his remark, he exclaimed, "And I mean that in the best way! Without you, I...I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to teach something I love; something I'm passionate about, and Freddie and I would have never gotten to know each other if you hadn't introduced us. You turned my life around for the better, Roger, not for the worst. You've got to believe me. Please."

The professor hadn't realized it, but during his monologue, his hands had found their way to the blonde's cheeks, tilting his head back just enough so that he could dip down and meet the parted lips that were inches away from his own. It'd be so easy just to follow his instincts and throw caution to the wind, acting upon the urges he tried to bury for the sake of preserving his reputation and giving in to Roger's advances.

It was clear that this was what they both wanted, and all that needed to be done for it to happen was for Brian to lean in and press his lips against Roger's, letting the latter take control soon thereafter and hoping that there'd be no more interruptions. However, denying the professor the choice to give in to his instincts or continue fighting them, the blonde swooped in and captured the taller man's lips with his own.

The passionate kiss brought the pair back to when they shared their first kiss, though this one better mimicked the one that followed. It was almost as if they were their old selves, ignoring the fact that anyone could walk in on them at any moment and instead focusing on the exhilaration that surged through their veins—the year apart and the consequences they'd surely face doing nothing to stop them from losing themselves in one another.

In the dim classroom, Roger and Brian stumbled over each other's feet and into the chalkboard, a faint cloud of dust bursting from the dark green surface as the blonde's back slammed up against it. It didn't take long for their pants to grow tight and their breaths to become uneven, and before they knew it, Brian was spinning Roger around and pressing him against the chalkboard—his hands, in search of something to grab onto, smearing the instructions left behind from the midterm the week before.

"I missed you," the professor whispered as he leaned into the blonde, drawing out a low groan from the back of his throat.

"I missed you too," Roger admitted breathlessly, writhing under the light kisses that Brian began to plant along his shoulder blades. The professor's hands quickly found their way to the blonde's hips, pulling him in and grinding against him. Roger couldn't hold back the moan that slipped past his parted lips as Brian began to roll into him, lighting the fire that burned in the blonde's pants. He dropped a hand and grabbed himself, trying to relieve some of the building pressure, but now it was his turn to be denied the chance to act on impulse—the professor's hand wrapping around his and stopping him.

"No, don't," Brian smirked, his low voice tickling Roger's ear. "Let me." He pulled the blonde's hand away from his groin and replaced it with his own, copying the movements the two men had become very familiar with over time. Roger instinctively pushed back into the professor, his arms straightening and his nails digging into the chalkboard as he unraveled under Brian's touch. He bit his lip, feeling himself coming dangerously close.

The panting blonde's gaze flickered over to the door, where he saw Tim standing outside—arms crossed, lips pressed tightly together, and his head shaking side to side. Roger knew it was impossible for him to be there, and when his boyfriend disappeared with the blink of his eye, he knew that what he saw wasn't real, but the fear the sight instilled in him remained and left him with the harsh reminder as to what was waiting for them the moment they walked out of that classroom.

It was true that Roger had come to England with Stewart to get away from Tim and his games, but just like last time, he felt it his responsibility to stick by the brunette's side; to be there for him when no one else would. They'd been together for so long and been through so much that it wasn't a matter of cheating on him—Roger made a career out of it and Tim took it up as a hobby. It was a matter of wanting to stay with the person he was cheating with, and in turn leaving Tim for good, alone, with no one to turn to, just like the blonde's family had done to him.

"Brian...Brian, wait," Roger choked out, the professor starting to fiddle with the button and zipper of his pants.

"For what?" he asked distractedly, his fingers dancing along Roger's belt.

"Stop," the blonde muttered, shuddering when Brian's hand slipped past his waistband. "Just stop!"

The professor jumped back, Roger hanging his head and trying to catch his breath. He closed his eyes, his own struggle for air drowning out Brian's—the man terrified that he'd gone too far, not only in regards to his relationship with Roger, but also his relationship with Chrissie. How was he supposed to keep this from her and act like it never happened? She knew about them, and the second she caught wind of Roger's return, there was no doubt in the professor's mind that she would do everything in her power to keep them from reuniting. They made a deal; they had reputations to uphold. She wasn't going to let the man who tore apart her first marriage tear apart her second one too.

Before Brian could lose himself in his spiraling thoughts, Roger let out a deep sigh and straightened his posture, turning around to face the professor and announcing, "I-I should probably get going. I came here with Freddie, and he wanted us to meet back up at a certain time. He hates it when—"

"You stand him up?" Brian guessed, Roger's lie going undetected as the corner of his lip unconsciously twitched upward. "Yeah, I know."

"Oh, do you now?" the blonde teased, earning a blush from the professor that he instantly matched. "Well then, you know better than anyone that I shouldn't keep him waiting."

"No, you really shouldn't," he agreed, hanging his head and shoving his hands in his pockets—scuffing the floor with his shoe.

A small grin appeared on Roger's face as he started for the door for the second time that day, this time without any resistance. He'd only grabbed the handle when he dared to glance back at the professor who'd sulked over to his desk and took a seat, sorting through all the tests he had yet to grade. It was obvious he was disappointed in the outcome of their moment, and if the blonde was being honest with himself, he was too, but this just wasn't the place or time for them to reconnect like that.

"Hey, Brian?" Roger called out.

The curly-haired teacher hummed in response, his refusal to meet the blonde's gaze blatant in the way he focused on the papers in front of him.

Roger's cheeks grew warm before he suggested, "Let's finish this another time."

Those five words seemed to do the trick, pulling Brian's attention away from the exams instantly. "Are you sure?" he asked, lowering the old-fashioned readers to the tip of his nose. The blonde nodded his head, biting his lip excitedly. "But what about—"

"He's not here," Roger reminded him, as well as himself. "Besides, I'm going to be in London for a while. We'll figure something out." With a mischievous wink, the blonde slipped out into the hallway and closed the door shut behind him, sending chills down Brian's spine.

It seemed impossible, but the professor felt just like he did a year ago, and once again, he wasn't prepared for what was to come.

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