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Volt couldn't stop his shaky breaths, his unsure questions pouring from his lips like a river. He felt like he was drowning, his lungs heaved, his eyes watered, and nothing made sense. His knees, which felt like jelly, gave out and he fell. Strong arms wrapped around him and kept him from hitting the hard ground. A soft voice whispered in his ear but he couldn't quite make out the words.

He felt a hand be placed on his chest, his heartbeat ringing in his own ears. He felt another hand grab his and put it against someone else's chest, their heartbeat much slower than his. The hand was gentle and grounded him, his eyes slowly focused and realised it was Leon in front of him. The boy was talking quietly to him, but the words were muffled.

A slight squeeze on his abdomen made him realize he was in someone's arms. Slowly his breathing calmed and he fell back against the body he had been cradled by.

"That's it lightning bug, just breath," Leon urged, his voice surprisingly quiet and soft.

"You're doing great," the person behind him, Raihan he realized, said. Volt let out a shaky breath and reached up to wipe his face, he could feel how gross it was.

Before he could Leon gently took his hands and used a Kleenex to clean up his face, even when Volt weakly protested. Once Leon pulled away Volt was able to see where they were, which just so happened to be the changing room with a large TV playing the match in the stadium.


"And Raijain decides to Dynamax his Magnezone!" The announcer cried as the giant electric steel pokémon let out a battle cry.

Raijin had his arms crossed and a frown was on his face, blue eyes sparking and dangerous.

"I'm going to take you down a notch Nicholas," he scowled at the dragon trainer, who returned his shiny Hydreigon.

"That's Duke Nicholas to you," the man retaliated, throwing the giant pokéball into the sky, the giant dark type pokémon bellowing out a cry as it appeared. "Hydreigon, max flare," the dragon trainer called.

Hydreigon roared and all three of its heads let out a blast of fire at the Magnezone.

"Max steelspike," Raijin called out quickly. Magnezone wasn't fast enough to start the move as waves of fire slammed into it, and made it fly back slightly.

"Finish it, max wyrmwind," Nicholas commanded with a snap of his fingers. With no hesitation Hydreigon fired off the powerful dragon type move, causing Magnezone to explode and revert back to its normal form.

"And the devastating drake secures another victory!"


Volt was shaking as he watched the match, of course he won. Volt remembered Hydreigon, it always scared him, its aura dark and violent. It used to bite his ankles and thighs to make him bleed for fun. He didn't want to face his uncle, now or later.

"Volt," Raihan gently persuaded, "you need to tell me what's wrong." Volt looked at the people in front of him. Raihan, Leon, Sonia, Kalo, and Piers. Did he dare trust them? Could he risk their lives for his sake?

"He's... my uncle," Volt admitted softly, almost inaudible to their ears. Raihan frowned, there was more, and he knew it.

"What did he do?" The dragon boy asked gently, his eyes narrowed. Volt couldn't speak, so he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled the hem of his shirt up and showed them the dragon shaped brand on his stomach.

He heard Sonia gasp and cover her face, Leon made a strangled noise, and Raihan growled. Kalo looked at Piers and they nodded at each other briefly. Volt couldn't keep his short up long, before he broke down and fell forward into Raihan. Raihan himself was shaking and his eyes were glowing, his fangs aching.

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