Healing Sparks and Raging Waters

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Volt yawned as he leaned agsisnt a berry tree east of Motostoke, his eyes blurry from sleep. After defeating Herde the group had split up, each wanting to do their own thing for going to Hulbury. Volt chose to head to Galar mine no.2, he wanted to get some pictures of the mine and see if he could find new pokémon. The walk from Turfield to the mine had been tiring so he had taken a nap outside the entrance, but now that he was up, he was ready to go.

He called out Flaaffy to light the way, his eyes not yet adjusted to the dark. Rotom buzzed at his side, zipping and zooming around the cave, snapping pictures in haste. Volt laughed at the small pokemon's enthusiasm and kept pace. He placed a hand agaisnt one of the glowing crystals and closed his eyes, feeling the surge of power that flowed through the lands, and the heart of the cave.

He smiled in awe and stepped back, seeing the life in the cave glow before his eyes. He looked down to see a glowing blue image of Flaaffy and the distant pokémon in the cave, and of course Rotom fluttering around. He opened his eyes and grinned. He had learned a lot about aura when he was a kid, Galar and Rota had been the most well versed in aura throughout the ages and him being able to see it was a blessing.

He continued walking and got lost in thought, curious on why his aura was spiking now. Well if he was being honestly it sparked to life the day he met Zapdos, he felt so much more in tune with the world and pokémon since. He touched the mark the legendary bird had left on his skin, and a tingle ran down his spine, and he could feel his energy flare. Did Zapdos give him the gift of aura? What could that mean for him overall?

He stopped when Flaaffy grabbed his pant leg and looked up at him with narrowed eyes. He smiled down at the pokémon and patted the fluffy head gently. Rottom buzzed up ahead, and Volt looked up and gasped at the sight. Giant pink and blue crystals emerged from the pools of water, refracted light filling the hall and small dips of earth.

The place felt so full of energy, that it made him want to giggle, and he did for a bit. A sound reached his ears, and he glanced up to see a Noibat looking down at him. He grinned and waved at the small pokémon, its yellow eyes shy, and purple wings wrapped securely around its body.

"Bzzt that's a Noibat," Rotom stage whispered to him, and Volt nodded at the excited pokémon. The Noibat drew back a little and whined, and Volt shushed up at it. He closed his eyes and aura flashed behind his eyelids. He took a steadying breath and took in the Noibat's aura, a brilliant yellow shimmer coming from its soul.

"It's beautiful," Volt whispered. He opened his eyes and looked up at the pokémon, "you're beautiful."

The Noibat chirped and slowly came out behind its hidding place, a happy smile on its face. Volt reached into his bag and pulled out a custap berry and offered it up. The tiny pokemon slowly spread its wings and fluttered down to snatch the berry and then return to its perch. Volt watched as the pokémon ate the fruit with a small smile, happy to see it happy.

A shiver ran up Volt's spine and his eyes widened. He turned just in time to see a hyper beam flying straight for the Noibat. With a yell he jumped off the ground and grabbed the pokémon, the beam of energy hitting where it once sat and exploding. Volt yelled as he was sent through the air and to the ground, the roof collapsing around him.

Volt groaned and tightened his grip on the shivering dragon pokémon, trying to see through the dust and smoke. He winced when he felt his ankle twinge and knew it was at least bruised, as was a lot of his body. He could hear Flaaffy and Rotom on the other side of the collapse calling out for him and he sighed with relief.

"I'm ok, I'll try and get back to you," he called out to them. He heard their relief and smiled. "Rotom, call Leon, he's the closest to us," he called, and the phone beeped in acknowledgement. Hopefully Leon wouldn't get lost and get to them on time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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