Time to Start

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The wild area spanned half of Galar, and Volt happily admitted he was breath taken with the sights from the station. The blonde took his first step into the wild area and felt the energy in the place pulse under his foot, his eyes flashing pink almost as if a camera had flashed in his face. Rotom flew around him letting out electronic giggles, clearly excited for the trip. The plan was to spend the day in the wild area and then go to Motostoke through the south entrance.

Volt walked along the path, admiring the trees, rivers, and pokémon that lived in the area. It was... refreshing. As he walked he was gently holding the egg he had been given by his friends. He really should have gotten a carrier for the egg, his bag being to small for the incubator. He smiled down at it, sure he may complain, but he wouldn't change it for the world.

The earth rumbled under him and he widened his stance quickly to catch himself. An Onix came out of the trees with a roar, and it locked eyes with him. It dug its tail into the ground and flung rocks at him. Golden eyes narrowed and he back flipped, grabbing a pokéball as he went, releasing Kubfu from its confines.

Volt landed on the destroyed ground gracefully, putting the egg down, and his eyes sparked, "Kubfu, power up punch." The wushu pokémon was quick to respond, becoming a blur of speed.

It hit the Onix with the super effective move and the rock snake roared in pain. It glowed blue before a rush of red left its body, just as Kubfu was coated in its own red aura. Rotom buzzed in distress.

"That's its weak armour," the pokémon warned. Onix used iron head and was able to send Kubfu flying, its speed increased. Volt grit his teeth, but a lightbulb went off in his head.

"Alrighty then, Kubfu, comet punch," he called out. The pokémon gained a gleam if understanding in its eye, and coated its fist in white energy. The small bear was able to hit all five hits on the Onix, each hit weakening its defense, but boosting its speed.

The Onix dove under the ground in anger and was shaking the earth as it went. Volt waited, eyes focused on the ground, when he saw the slight cracks under Kubfu he smirked and snapped his fingers, his silent command reaching his pokémon. Kubfu jumped into the air as Onix pierced the earth, missing its attack.

"Power up punch," Volt cried, watching as the fighting type hit the pokémon. The Onix immediately fainted upon impact, the six times lowered defense versus Kubfu's super effective boosted attack proved to be to much for the rock snake.

Kubfu proudly puffed out its chest as it celebrated its victory. Volt sighed in relief, but he felt something in his stomach. A rock. He silently walked over to the downed Onix and went to touch it. It groaned and tried to move away from him. Volt shushed the pokémon and gently put his hand on its side.

He locked eyes with the pokémon and smiled gently. He reached for his bag and pulled out some potions. Kubfu and Rotom were watching him with curious eyes. Volt carefully healed the pokémon's wounds, movingbas slow as possible as to not distress the Onix. The pokémon slowly calmed under his soft hands, his touch soothing, and almost electrifying. He finished with the option and gave the Onix a few sitrus berries as it righted itself, its height intimidating

"There, all better," Volt said gently to the pokémon. It grunted, eating the berries and leaving without looking back.

"Bzzt that was very kind of you Volt," Rotom praised, admiring the pictures it had been taking during the event. Volt just smiled and stood up, returning Kubfu.

"Come on Rotom, I want to give Dreepy some time to train," he told the phone, starting his walk again. The Rotom buzzed and quickly followed after him

"Bzzt I got a message from Kalo, Volt," the phone said excitedly. Volt hummed in curiosity, and gave the pokémon permission to say it.

"Bzzt it was really nice to meet you today Volt, I hope we can get better acquainted in the future, Bzzt."

Volt smiled slightly and a light pink colour came onto his cheeks. He grabbed the phone and sent a quick reply, voicing his agreement to the statements. Something unfortunately broke him from his happy thoughts. Thunder rumbled above him and a drop of water hit his nose. He looked up and frowned, sure it had been cloudy, but he hadn't sensed a storm coming.

"Looks like I'll have to find shelter," he mussed, knowing the storm could get dangerous. He quickly found a small cave off to the sides of the wild area and entered just as the rain really started to come down. "And I was so excited to get some training done," he whined.

He pouted and sat on the ground. Now what? He grinned and grabbed his pokéballs, letting all his pokémon out in flashes of white. Flaaffy, Dreepy, and Kubfu all appeared with cries of excitement. They all looked around and frowned at the weather, Volt just shrugged and grabbed the camping stuff from his bag, setting up the curry pot and tent.

"Flaaffy, can I have some light?" Volt asked the pokémon. The sheep coed and its orbs started to glow with a soft blue light. He pat the pokémon's head and started to cook. He chuffed when Dreepy dropped itself on his head, whining hungrily. "Give it time you big baby," he teased the dragon.

The small bean just whined some more and made Volt roll his eyes even more. He looked over at Kubfu with pleading eyes. The bear sighed and walked forward to grab Dreepy and take care of it, the dragon whining the whole time. Volt continued to stir the ingredients in the curry, knowing once it was made, Dreepy would be very happy. He hissed when he was hit on the back, and hot liquid flew up and hit his neck. His eyes flashed and he was thrown back in time.

Hands tight on his limbs as searing hot metal was placed against his side, permanently marking him with the symbol of the royal family. Distorted laughter and roars filled his ears as he was dunked under water. 'Cleansing' they called it. His throat and lungs closed off and he chocked on his fleeting breath.

With a jolt Volt shot away from the curry his breath shuddering and sharp. His pokémon were all looking at him in concern, and he was able to gather what had happened. Dreepy's excitement was to much and it had tossed itself out of Kubfu's arms, and into him. He let out a tired sigh and sat back down to make sure the curry didn't burn.

"Please be more careful," he told them after a moment of silence. The pokémon all whined at their masters change in demeanor, Rotom fluttering nervously all over the place. He continued to cook, ignoring the four pokémon as best as he could, it wasn't hard with the taunting laughs ringing in his ears.

He clenched his fists, the ladle in his hand bending slightly. He could remember the sizzling pop of his skin, the smell of smoke, and fire. The feeling of ice as he was dunked under murky waters, his sight obscured, and lungs washed out. His eyes followed the swirling movement of his ladle, and one thought kept coming back...

Did he deserve it? He thought so. He was to weak for his family, they were teaching him the right way. He deserved every hit, every touch, every word, it was the right thing. By Arceus, he had shamed his family by leaving... maybe it was time to go back-


Volt's eyes snapped over to the sound, and gasped when he realised his egg was glowing softly. A wide grin creeped it's way on his face and he quickly took the curry off the fire and ran to the egg. He carefully took it out of the incubator and held it in his lap, his pokémon gathering close in excitement and curiosity.

The egg burst open in a flash and Volt had to close his eyes briefly. When the light died down he opened his eyes to finally get a look at the baby pokémon. A little brown corgi with yellow fur around its neck, yellow lightning tail, and sparkling green eyes stared up at him. It titled its head and a pink tongue flopped out.

Volt felt his heart melt at the baby Yamper. He reached down and gently brought the pokémon against his chest, tears welling in his eyes. It yipped and cuddled under his chin, its body vibrating happily. He laughed at the small pokémon and kissed its head, which resulted in a sand paper tongue attacking his neck and face.

"Bzzt congratulations Volt!" Rotom gushed, "this Yamper will be a great addition to your team."

"Thanks Rotom," Volt whispered as he held the small dog close. He smiled at all his pokémon and stood up slowly. "Let's eat," he told them. They cheered and immediately started to dig into the curry he served them.

Yamper tried to get a good bite of it, but Volt quickly pulled him away. He held the dog close as he prepared a moomoo milk bottle, the little thing was whimpering, clearly hungry. Volt laughed softly and finally put the nipple to the babes lips, watching the small dog latch on and start sucking. Rotom once again was taking pictures of him, and his other pokemon seemed to be keeping a close eye on him.

Yamper finished the bottle and started to whine again, Volt just smiled and reached over to grab a blanket from his bag. The soft fleece was made from Flaaffy's wool and was a soft pink. He carefully made a burrito with the baby pokémon and held him close. Yamper slowly calmed down and closed his eyes, falling asleep in Volt's arms.

Volt laid back against the wall of the cave, looking out at the still raining wild area, his face relaxed, the lines of stress fading. To his pokémon he looked like the ten year old he was supposed to be. Kubfu walked over and sat beside him, quickly followed by Flaaffy at his other side, and Dreepy in his lap.

Before sleep could take a hold of him, his eyes snapped open, glowing a soft pink. He looked outside and saw as something crashed just outside the cave, a pink light glowing into the dark. Volt quickly got up, his pokémon moving at his command. He slowly walked over and bent down, picking up the wishing star. It was said those who found a wishing star would have their wish come true.

He held the piece to his chest and closed his eyes, praying for his wish to come true. He wanted to become strong, worthy of love, and needed by people. He slowly walked back into the cave and plopped down, quickly falling into slumber, he wishing star grasped tightly in his hand, and wrapped in pokémon.


The weather was nice enough to clear in the early morning, giving Volt more time to train and make his way to Motostoke. He had caught his new baby pokémon in a pokéball, but decided to keep the Yamper out of its pokéball for the first parts of its life. Which is why the little dogs head was poking out from the head hole of his sweater, panting in delight.

Volt stopped in front of the stairs leading into Motosroke and let out a shaky breath. This was it. Once he walked into the city his gym challenge would begin and he would be thrown into the spotlight. He really hoped he was ready for this, and there was only one way to find out. Volt ascended the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest like a jack hammer.

The metallic city took his breath away. While not as old as his home in Hammerlocke, this city still had its charm, and it was refreshing. He was glad the pokémon center was near the entrance to the city so he could heal and grab some more items. He patted the dog pokémon in his hoodie as he was getting restless. He walked into the center, his eyes immediately catching the figure of someone familiar at the desk.

Kalo stood at the desk talking to nurse Joy, his laugh like chimes. The boy was without the Indeedee that followed him, and was wearing black joggers with a pink stripe. The boy stiffened for a second before he turned around, locking eyes with Volt. A smile spread on the boys face and he waved him over.

"Volt, it's good to see you!" Kalo exclaimed with a wide smile. Volt walked over and smiled back.

"Yeah, but I didn't think I'd see you here," he said in response. Kalo just shrugged and rubbed his stomach.

"Yeah well the gym challenge starts today and I'm participating," Kalo admitted with a slight grimace. Volt's eyes widened slightly at that.

"That's right, this one is making us proud," nurse Joy said with a smile and a hand on her cheek.

"Aunty," Kalo hissed with flaming cheeks and clenched teeth.

The woman laughed and just shook her head, "It's true, your mothers were smart to let you take the challenge."

Kalo just put his head into the scarf that Volt just realised he was wearing. It was silver with gold flower embroideries on it. While Volt wanted to comment on Kalo taking the gym challenge he decided to give his pokémon to nurse Joy first. He returned Yamper and gave the woman his four pokéballs, and she quickly got to work.

Volt grabbed Kalo's hand and dragged him over to a table off to the side, wanting to talk more. "You didn't tell me you were taking the gym challenge too," Volt complained with a childlike pout.

Kalo looked up at him with surprise for a second before smirking, "well I needed to gage the competition." Volt just narrowed his eyes.

"You had no idea," Volt deadpanned. Kalo just laughed, his head thrown back.

"Guilty," he admitted without hesitation. The boys blue eyes seemed to glow in the artificial light of the pokémon center, making them sparkle. "You didn't tell me you were taking it either mate," Kalo pointed out with a grin.

Volt frowned and nodded, fair point. "What about your Indeedee?" He asked suddenly, head tilted slightly.

Kalo frowned and moved his hands to rest on the table. "They're my mums," he said with closed eyes, "they wanted me to be safe so they had those two escort me to Motostoke," Kalo admitted, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

Volt frowned, "don't you have your own pokémon?" Kalo nodded and sighed.

"My mum's are protective, especially after..." Kalo paused and swallowed deeply. Before Volt could say anything else to the sudden pause, nurse Joy called out that she finished healing his pokémon.

Volt got up with a quick smile to Kalo, making his way up to the front. "Thank you," he said to the woman as he took his pokéballs and put them back on his belt. He walked back toward Kalo and saw the boy had stood up and slung his satchel over his shoulder. "You leaving?" Volt asked with a frown.

Kalo looked at him and smiled, "so are you, the ceremony starts soon." Volt's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed his bag to follow after Kalo to the stadium. As the duo walked they talked about the challenge and how they thought it would go. The subject of gym leaders was brought up, and Volt admitted he didn't know the current rotation.

Kalo sighed and told him, "grass, water, fire, flying, ice, fairy, electric, and dragon." An interesting line up for sure. Volt had a bad feeling, his stomach was sinking and he wasn't sure why.

They finally reached the gym and walked in, and Volt saw something that made his heart flutter and his worries vanish. Leon, Raihan, and Sonia all stood at the front desk signing up for the challenge. Without a second thought he ran toward them, his guilt for running from Kalo dull in the exhilaration of seeing the trio. Raihan twitched and turned toward him, his eyes widening and grin becoming bright.

Volt jumped and Raihan immediately caught him and held him close, pressing his nose into the crook of the blondes neck. Raihan held tight and Volt heard Leon gadp excitedly and join the hug from the back, his strong arms wrapping around him from behind. Leon then picked both of them up and started to spin while laughing.

"Leon you idiot, don't do that," Sonia scolded off from the side. Kalo walked over and joined the four of them, handing his letter to the league worker behind the desk.

"This happen often?" He asked Sonia as he watched Leon finally put them down. She just nodded exacerbated, and went to hug Volt on her own. The blonde boy grinned and hugged her quickly.

"Thank you so much for Yamper," Volt whispered to her. She laughed and nodded, putting her face flush against his neck. When they broke apart she asked the basic question.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him. Volt got an excited look and pulled out a letter from his hoodie pocket, handing it over the counter.

"I'm here to add my own flare to this challenge," he said with a grin and a thumbs up. Leon's grin became blinding and he started to hop up and down.

"Oh this will be so exciting," he gushed, Raihan couldn't help but nod and give a fanged grin.

"You guys are disgusting," a new voice said slowly. Volt turned to see who it was and saw a boy their age with paper pale skin, sunken blue eyes and black and white spiky hair. Raihan chuckled.

"Ah you want a hug to mate?" Raihan asked teasingly. The boy winced and shook his hands quickly.

"Raihan you touch me and I'll scream," the boy said, trying to sound threatening.

Kalo snorted, "come off it Piers, you ain't scary mate." The now named Piers blushed slightly and glared at Kalo.

"Sure mister prodigy," Piers said, the word prodigy almost sounding like an insult. "I'm here to show people that Spikemuth is just as good as any other town, what are you here for?" He asked Kalo with narrowed eyes.

The two boys glared at each other and Volt could feel the tension, so he stepped in. He offered his hand to Piers, "I'm Volt." The boy seemed shocked at his movement and blinked owlishly at him.

"Uh Piers," the pale boy said, taking his hand and shaking it. Volt smiled at the boy and turned to look at Kalo, shocked frowning.

"I'm sure we can all get along yeah?" He asked, even if it sounded more like a command. Kalo scowled and nodded his head, the look foreign on the bubbly boy.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have everyone's rings for the challenge," the league worker said, handing them all golden rings, "make your way to the change room and get into the uniforms assign to you.

Kalo was the first to walk off, his posture stiff and face blank. Volt frowned after him and felt worry in his chest.

"Did you have to be such a dick Piers?" Raihan asked with a frown. Piers scoffed.

"If fairy boy can't take it he shouldn't be here," Piers retaliated grouchyly. Volt turned to look at him with a scowl and sparking eyes.

"Hold your tongue," he snapped angrily, his eyes slited and fangs barred. Piers stepped back in shock and Raihan smoothly moved in front of Volt, his own eyes gaining a slight glow.

"Volt," Raihan scolded gently. The blonde snaped out of it and blushed deeply, his eyes darting to the ground. "Come on, let's get you ready," Raihan gently urged the boy away from the group. Leon was quick to follow, concern on his face. Piers just scowled and followed after, Sonia going toward the female change rooms.

Raihan pulled Volt into a secluded part of the change room and put his hands on his shoulders. The taller boy gently raised the boys face with his hand and stared into golden eyes. The two just stared at each other and Volt sniffed.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, trying to pull away, his eyes darting around. Raihan just carefully pulled the boy against his chest and held tight.

"You have nothing to be sorry for mate," Raihan told him, "Piers was being a right dick." Volt smiled up at the boy and snorted. Raihan grinned and patted his shoulder, "now get changed."

Volt quickly obeyed, grabbing the uniform that he had been assigned, the number 101 stitched on the uniform. He snuck behind a curtain and changed away from the prying eyes of the other boys. He went back to his locker and noticed a sweatband with a perfect star shape hole. He smiled and reached into his hoodie pocket to pull out the wishing star into the band, enjoying the sound of it clicking together.

"You have a Dynamax band!" Leon proclaimed as he came over, his own Dynamax band snug on his wrist. Volt nodded and smiled, the league most likely put then there and expected people to gain their own wishing stars through the journey.

Volt took a second to admire Leon. His uniform was the same standard one that he wore, but a single number 1 stood out on his uniform. He also wore his black flat cap over his mess of purple hair, his grin still blinding.

"Why number one?" Volt asked softly. Leon grinned and struck a lose, his arm in the air, the other on his hip and eyes closed.

"Cause I'm going to be the new champ," Leon proclaimed with confidence. Volt snorted and grinned.

"I look forward to seeing it," Volt told him, moving toward the outer room to wait to enter the pitch. Sonia was waiting for them, and she smiled at Volt.

"Took you long enough," she said. Colt just shrugged and smiled. She frowned and spoke again, "don't mind Piers, he's just depressed." Volt frowned at that.

While Piers had made Kalo upset, there was obviously history. The pale boy didn't seemed depressed he just seemed like he didn't really care a lot about the situation, cut throat almost. He didn't dislike the boy, he hadn't meant to snap, but the energy of this place was making him nervous and jumpy. The others soon joined them.

Raihan wore his Trapinch hat and the number 241 on his uniform. Kalo wore his scarf and had the numbers 124 on his uniform. Leon had his hat and of course the number 1.

"You guys ready?" Leon asked while jumping up and down. Raihan grinned and nodded, Kalo just smirking with a thumbs up. Volt smiled and took a shaky breath.

"All participants please enter the pitch," a league employee called, opening the doors to the Motostoke gym pitch. Fire ran through Volt's veins as they walked onto the grass turf, the lights of the stadium blinding in the early morning sun. Chairman Rose stood in the center of the field, his suit perfectly pressed and expression proud.

"These are the youth of tomorrow who are taking this challenge, and who will face Galar's best," the man said to the people in the stands, the cheers becoming deafening. "Now, let us introduce the Gym Leaders!" The Chairman said loudly with a flourish of his hands.

From the other side of the pitch the eight gym leaders stepped into the stadium. Their looks differing, and Volt felt something fill him. Maybe excitement... or was it fear. A voice over the intercom sounded through the air.

Our master of grass, Herbe

A woman in a green shawl and a white and yellow sun dress, waved to the crowd, her pink hair pulled in a ponytail.

Our raging sea, Serena

A woman in a blue bathing suit and beautiful tan skin waved to the crowd and blew a kiss.

The man of fire, Kabu

Kabu had dark black hair, black eyes, and pale skin. He wore a towel around his neck and was determined.

Master of wings, Skylar

A man wearing a plain flying type uniform waved, a white scarf and goggles the only defining features with his pale skin.

Mistress of cold, Melony

A woman in the ice type uniform smiled at the cameras, her hair was large and flowed over her shoulders. She looked bundled up for the colder weather of Galar

The great wizard, Opal

An older woman slowly walked on the pitch, an umbrella hooked on her arm, and large nose crooked. An aura of experience and power radiated off her.

The thunder god, Raijin

A burly man with blonde hair walked with the gym leaders, his uniform cut up in places. His blue eyes were firm and his arms were crossed.

And the devastating drake himself, master of dragons, Nicholas

No... tan skin, gold eyes, and blonde hair. Muscular yet not big, toned but not thin. A familiar scar was on the mans neck under his dragon uniform and purple cape.

Volt's heart stopped, his eyes widened, and his hands became clammy. He could hear static in his ears, and nothing else, the pounding of his chest like a symphony of drums in his body. Was it hot? Or cold? He couldn't tell. All he could decipher was that he was here. Volt felt a hand grab his and his head snapped over to Leon, who was watching him with concern.

Raihan who was staring awestruck at Nicholas, noticed Leon's movement and glanced at Volt, which immediately got his attention. The dragon boy followed the boys eyes and saw that they were on Nicholas, but unlike his childlike awe, all he saw was crippling fear, doubt, and anxiety.

Nicholas looked over the group and when his eyes found Volt they widened, before they narrowed into daggers. Raihan felt his protective instincts spike and he could tell he wasn't the only one, Leon and Kalo were watching the gym leader closely. As soon as the ceremony came to an end Raihan grabbed Volt and briskly walked back toward the inner parts of the stadium. Leon and Kalo were hot on their heels, and Sonia and Piers followed in confusion.

The booming of the stadiums cheers and announcer shook the hall, the declaration of a exhibition match between Raijin and Nicholas making people go insane. Usally Raihan would be right with them, but something was wrong with Volt, and that took his first priority. When they were back in the lobby, Volt seemed to get some kind of hold on himself and he broke away from him, panting deeply.

"He can't be here," Volt whispered to himself, trying to reassure himself that the final gym leader... was his uncle

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