Time For The Battles

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Once again I own nothing in this story. Just the little alteration cause I can.

Present Mic yells through his mic. "ITS TIME FOR THE FIGHTS! FIRST UP IS THE UPCOMING GLOWING GREEN ANGEL VS sorry he hasn't done anything to stand out HITOSHI SHINSHOU!!" The crowed cheered for Izumi as she walked to the into the battle ring. Shinshou was walking out from the opposite entrance.

As they faced each other Shinshou was thinking of ways to make her snap. While Izumi was busy thinking about what happened on the roof with Ash making her blush faintly but it's wasn't noticeable.

Midnight whipped her lashers on the ground getting everyone's attention. "I want a clean fight. Also no groping the girls when they fight! The way the fight ends is by one of the fighters being knocked out, or knocked out of the ring, or by just giving up."

Shinshou smirks a bit. "So just a simple "I give up" can make me move up a round. That's good to know." He stares at Izumi thinking of the best ways to make her snap.

Izumi stares back at him not planning to back out anytime soon.

Unknown to anyway they were also being watched by the enemy.

At a abandon bar

Shigaraki was looking at his laptop screen and started to scratch his neck furiously. "That green hair brat has the same power as him!!" You can literally feel the hate coming off him.

His teacher behind another screen silently impressed by Izumi's power and thinking of ways to steal it for himself.

Kurogiri was silent as ever but if you looked closely at him you can see the he is trembling from silent fear of the man that defeated the Nomu as if it was nothing.

Back to the Sports Festival

Midnight started to the match by whipping her whatever that thing is called onto the floor. The crowed were on the edge of their seats as they see Izumi take a unknown martial arts stance.

Shinshou looked at her and can't help but feel a little intimidated. "Must be a blessing to have such a powerful quirk." Izumi didn't answer as she stayed in place. But Shinshou felt a little frustrated. "So that stupid weak monkey told you about my quirk huh?" Izumi gritted her teeth in anger and ran at him with speed that exceeds Iida's surprising her friends and classmates seeing how fast Iida was earlier.

Izumi started to land a heavy combo on Shinshou who couldn't even react to defend himself from the left, right, jab, and kicks. Izumi then kicked him stomach making him almost fall out of the ring.

"HOLY HELL WHAT WAS THAT!?" Was Mics only words after seeing such a combo being landed. Aizawa was also shocked seeing her speed and strength without her quirk active. All might and Inko were shocked with how angry she got at whatever Shinshou told her to make her beat him down so bad.

Shinshou started to get up while gripping his stomach in pain and started to cough a bit. 'What the hell just happened? She was beating me down before anyone can even react to it. She's a monster.' Were his only thoughts. He was shaking a bit from fear and pain.

Izumi slowly started to calm down and everyone can see that which made them glad. 'Can't let myself be controlled by my emotions. Sensei told me that my aura powers can go chaotic if I lose control of my emotions.' Izumi looked at Shinshou who was standing up albeit with a lot of struggle.

Shinshou was breathing a little hard. "What the hell just happened?" Was all he uttered out only for it to be unanswered.

Izumi started to walk to him slowly making Shinshou flinch. Midnight was looking at Shinshou before asking him a question. "Shinshou do you forfeit?" Everyone in the stadium looked at Shinshou who was staring at Izumi before shaking his head no.

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