Happy Halloween

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((The I-Island is slowly coming along also this is my take on my hero academia Halloween))

Eri was walking around with her mama Izumi while holding her hand as they walk around Eri's sees strange decorations all around. All they have is face spiders, fake webs, fake tombstones, fake zombies they both amazed and scared her. Izumi saw Eri's reaction and decided to buy some material.

They entered a dollar store near the school since all they needed was snacks. Like candy, chips, sodas, and juice. While getting those Izumi had Eri pic out her favorite colors of cloth which happened to be red, blue, and green. "Ok let's go pay for these and I can get my little surprise for you ready." Izumi said making Eri happy.

As they walked back to the dorms they see a few kids wearing costumes with their family. Izumi picks up Eri then sprouts her wings to fly home faster. They got their in seconds. "That was totally wicked!" Eri exclaimed excitedly.

Izumi laughs a bit before walking into the dorms with Eri. "We're back everyone!" Izumi announced as she places the bags that had the snacks in the kitchen. Everyone except Ash, Bakugou, and Todoroki rushes over.

Ash cause he was in their room reading a random book on poetry. Todoroki cause he is being the lone person he is. And Bakugo cause he's well him the arrogant shit.

Izumi then went upstairs with with all the soft cloth to make a costume for Eri, herself, and Ash ((and forcefully make him wear it 🙂)) she spent a couple of hours just making the costumes. For Eri she made a mix of her hero costume and Ash's suit. She also made a green hat just like Ash with a red logo.

"Eri come here and try this on." Izumi called out to her daughter who comes running to her mother. Once Eri got to her mother.

"Yes mama?" Eri asked and instead of get she saw the costume her mama made her making really happy and excited.

Izumi handed it to her. "Go and try on then we're gonna go out to bet come candy." She told Eri who ran to her room to put on her costume.

Izumi nodded. She then turned to to Ash. "Your gonna wear one too Ash." She told him making him look up from his book.

"...Do I at the very least have a choice?" Ash asked knowing that he doesn't even have a choice. Izumi shook her head as she gave him the stare. "Ok then." He got up and grabbed the costume she made for him which happen to look like a ninja clothing. "Hm... I like it." He said as he put the hood up.

Izumi smiles hearing that he liked the costume she made for him. But she was glowing red since he changed right in front of her without a second thought. 'Abs of fucking steel is was he hides.' Is all she thought before she started to change in front of him unknowingly making him have a slight nose bleed as she put on a red riding hood costume that she made for herself. She look at herself happy with her work. She was gonna turn to Ash to see his reaction only to feel his strong arms wrap around her waist and his hot breath on her ear making her blush a lot.

"Love tonight your not gonna be getting much sleep since you are just teasing me~." Ash said softly making her have a slight nose bleed. Before she can retort Ash brought her into a deep kiss. They soon separated and waited for Eri to come out. Eri came out wearing her costume which happened to be red suit mixed blue and green in Izumi's hero suit design making it amazing. Izumi and Ash smiled at how adorable she looked.

"I am here!" Eri shouted excitedly.

"Ready to go kiddo?" Ash asked which Eri answered with a nod. Izumi then hands Eri a Halloween bag that she made it had Eri's initials on it so no one can take it.

"This is for the candy you ask for. When you knock on the door you say 'Trick or Treat' for the candy sweetheart." Izumi said which made Eri have stars in her eyes.

"Let's go!" Eri exclaimed as she runs our making the her parents chuckle. They soon walked out the room and after locking the door.

Everyone in the common room saw them leaving in costumes. "You guys are going trick or treating?" Sero asked which the small family nodded as they leave. Everyone looked at each other before running to their rooms to dress up as well.

((Happy Late Halloween everyone! Sorry this came out like two days late I was busy having fun with my family. Hope you enjoy!))

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