Back to School and I-Island Pt.1

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter my fellow knights!

It was the next day and we see our little family in their dorm room sleeping. Eri decided to join her parents in their bed just so she didn't have to sleep alone.Izumi started to wake up to the sound of the alarm in her room and tried to turn it off. Keyword being tried till the person next to her reached over and turned it off. Izumi turned around and was given a full view of Ash's rock hard chest and 8 pack. 'Holy shit!' Was all that came into her mind as she was having a dark blush and a slight nosebleed.

"Your nose is bleeding Izumi." Ash told her he wiped the blood from her nose. With that being said Izumi bolted for their personal bathroom. Ash only chuckled at this before getting up to wake up Eri. "Time to wake up my little snow angel." Ash said as he gently shook Eri.

Eri yawned as she rolled over. "Five more minutes papa.." She mumbles out drowsily making Ash chuckle again.

"Then I guess you don't want to sit with your mama during class." As soon as those words left his mouth Eri bolted up.

Eri looked both happy and excited. "What are we waiting for!?" She asked full of energy. Ash just laughed before picking her up.

"Well for one you have to shower with your momma and get ready." Ash told her as he grabbed clothes for her and left Eri get Izumi's clothes. "I'll be downstairs making breakfast for us." He said as he pushed Eri into the shower so she can shower with Izumi. Ash then left to the kitchen.

Ash saw Iida and Momo there. "You two better start making breakfast for the class cause I'm only making enough for three people." Once he told them that they started to make breakfast with Ash.

As they were cooking Momo and Iida secretly looked at as from time to time trying to figure out what he's thinking but he was a mystery to them all but Izumi.

"I would appreciate it if you stop staring me every few seconds." Ash said suddenly making them jump a bit. Ash then grabbed three plates and put the breakfast that he cooked on for himself, Eri, and Izumi. He then put on the table as Eri came rushing in and got onto her seat making Ash chuckle at her eagerness.

Izumi walked in trying to fix her tie but was having trouble. Ash turned to her and sighed before he walked over to her and helped her with her little tie trouble. "Hehehe thanks for the help Ash." Izumi said while blushing from embarrassment making Ash smirk at her.

They both sat down on either side of Eri and began to eat their breakfast. Pretty soon everyone from class A started to get to the table as Momo and Iida put a plate down for everyone that had pancakes.

"Woah thanks Momo and Iida!" Mina said loudly before everyone started to eat. Eri was eating some bacon, eggs, waffles, and apple slices.

Izumi finished eating pretty soon seeing as she was very hungry. "Thanks for the food Ash." She thanked as she washed her plate. She was gonna give Ash a kiss to the cheek before he turned his head and they kisses each other. Izumi had a big blush and a even bigger smile.

"PDA PLEASE!" Iida shouted out but was promptly ignored by the two. Pretty soon everyone finished eating.

"Take care of yourself Eri and behave when your around others." Ash told his little snow angel who nods at him. All the girls from class A and B were taking pictures of Eri as she was wearing her own little version of UA uniforms making her very adorable.

"Come on Eri we gotta go." Izumi said as she picked up her daughter and gave Ash a peck on the lips.

Ash went back inside and just started to clean to keep busy.

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