22. Mare

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I take a deep breath. I guess it's time for me to take it up a notch.

"Alright Evangeline, just follow my lead." She nods. I create a small storm, one large enough to move Evangeline away. Once she is clear, I get in a battle stance. "Bring it on!" I call to the surrounding ladies.

They don't know that they'll never get close enough.

I shoot a blast so powerful, the crowd ooh's and awes. The blast shoots from my body in every direction, engulfing everyone in a 5-foot radius. It's bright, but not powerful enough to take down the Strongarm or the Nymph. I take another deep breath, not even winded. There are mummers from the crowd.

I pull Evangeline, who had been cheering for me from the outside, back into the middle of the arena with me. "You wanna take these two?" I ask her. "Sure, but what about you?" I shrug, "I'll let you handle it. But, just in case..."

I wave my hand encasing myself in a think purple barrier.

"What's that gonna do Barrow?" She asks annoyed.

I shrug my shoulders and sit down. "It's Titanos and it's simple. You shoot them, they don't shoot me. Have fun!" I slump my shoulders, getting in a relaxing position before placing my elbow on my knee and placing my chin in my hand.

I can feel the crowds gaping stare. Never has a lady taken this game so flippantly. It's fun breaking the rules in court, something most people never accomplish.

As Evangeline battles the Strongarm, the Osanos girl comes and starts pounding on my barrier. Evangeline makes quick work of the Strongarm and starts for the Osanos girl. "Wait Evangeline," She stops and stares at me, "Do you wanna see something cool?" Evangeline smiles.

I reach out to the electricity flowing through the people around me. There is a lot of it, considering the number of people around, but not near impossible to pinpoint. I wade through the sparks, letting electricity flow through me as I snap my sparking fingers, not destroying the spark, but letting it fade to a dimmer spark.

The Osonos girl falls. The crowd erupts in mummers and whispers. Evangeline gapes, "How did you- What?" She asks.

I bring down my barrier, "Oh. That's brain lightning. Pretty cool huh? She's not dead, just knocked out." I say, making E smile.

"Now take me out" She whispers. My eyes widen, "What?" "Your going to be queen so take me out." She whispers even quieter, not even missing a beat. I flashback to when she would have rather killed me than lost at well, anything.

Finally, I walk up to her and close my eyes, "Fine." I feel for her spark and simply send a small jolt through her body, enough to visibly see, and push her over.

The crowd roars. "Ladies & Gentleman, the winner!" the announcer calls from a hidden box. I see Cal smile, I don't smile back and I probably never will again.


The Osonos girl is up now. She stumbles towards me, water already starting to swirl around her.

"Guards!" Cal yells in panic.

Oh no.

Arvens pop out from every corner of the arena and I suddenly feel the weight again. This was the one thing I couldn't cure, I couldn't get over. I fall to my knees screaming. The Osonos girl stumbles away as my powers are let loose. Lighting shoots in every direction encasing me in a purple glow.

And I scream.

My power surge only pushes the Arvens power to increase.

And I scream more.

I can barely hear Cal's voice in the sea of noise, "Stop, guards stop!" He couldn't do anything, not with the noise.

Evangeline sprints to me, shaking me forcefully, "Mare, it's okay! What's wrong!?" She screams. I take a deep breath.

My hands shake as I look at them with hazed eyes. I can almost imagine the cold hard stone on my hands. The cold of silence seeps through my lightning, dousing it out.

Evangeline continues to shake me as eternal darkness takes over me. I only get a glimpse of Cal running into the arena, splaying fire in every direction before I lose consciousness.


I'm so so SO SO SO sorry for the wait and the short update. I've been super busy with my other books and just haven't updated this one. We still have a very long way to go I promise.

THANKS FOR READING! Please comment and vote!!

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