21st Craft

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The Meteorite Fall

After hearing the news about UFO's seen in this place, I didn't waste any chance and stayed here to witness it's existence. I was sitting on a wooden chair while looking at the starry sky and giant full moon when I noticed a strange thing from above. It was late for me to realize that a meteor was about to land on earth. After that loud explosion, everything went dark.

"Hey, are you listening about what I'm saying, Kath?" Rica snapped her fingers infront of me that's why my thoughts came back to reality.

I always dreamt about that scenario and it made me think if it has something to do with my past.

"Don't you ever wish for a meteorite fall, Kath. It will really cause an incalculable damage to us no matter how big it is. If that scenario on your head happened, it will definitely wipe out the life here on Earth. That's too, scary!" Rica exclaimed. Her statement frightened me.

"Hey! Have you watched this video? There's an unidentified flying object seen from above." Lian who is not too far from us stated. I saw Rica suddenly stood up from her seat to get Lian's phone.

"Patingin nga." aniya. Her eyes widened while covering her mouth after watching the video.

"Omg Kath! You should watch this."

I immediately came to her direction  to watch what's on the video. It suddenly gave me goosebumps because I'm sure that the video was unedited.

I really want to have further discussions about this matter when the bell rangs. Our conversation was cut because we need to proceed to our respective classes right away.

It's not too bad because what our prof is discussing right now is all about the meteriote fall happened in Russia in year 2013.

"A large meteorite landed in a lake near Chebarkul, a town in Chelyabinsk region. There is fireball streaked through the clear morning sky, followed by loud bangs." I suddenly remembered my dream after he said those.

Hindi ko na mabilang kung ilang beses ko ng napanaginipan ang senaryong 'yon. They said that dreams has two meanings. It is either related to past events or an indication of what will happen in the future. In my case, I knew those dreams are not just ordinary. There is a hidden meaning behind it.

"These meteors when they hit the earth can cause global catasrophes and we can't do anything about it," our professor said in a low tone.

He even discussed the different places which experienced meteorite fall. Sa kalagitnaan ng discussion namin, hindi ko na napigilan pang magtaas ng kamay.

"Prof, what about UFO's?" I seriously asked. The class became silent for a moment after I heard their loud laughs.

"Kath, ang layo na ng narating mo!"

"You're ruining the discussion. We're talking about meteorites here. How come na napasama ang UFO?"

"Kakapanood mo 'yan ng sci-fi movies, Kathreen."

Nahihiyang napaupo tuloy ako. Prof David looked at me as if he's wondering where the hell I got that question.

"I'll dismiss you early, class. Mukhang nalilipasan na kayo ng gutom." naghiyawan sa buong classroom samantalang ako naman ay nanatiling tahimik.

I just decided to divert my attention and forget everything about my dream but what happened the next day, frightened me more.

Napaatras ako ng makita ko syang humahakbang papalapit sa akin.

"S-top! D-don't come near me! I-isusumbong kita sa mga pulis." I warned while my voice is still shaking.

"Do you think they will believe you?" he smirked. Tears started to fall from my eyes while remembering what he did. I just saw him jumped on the ground from the seventh floor. There is no ordinary human who can do that...

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