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I'm pretty sure I don't wanna be friends with ya, mister.

At least that was what I wanted to say. To be honest I couldn't help but smile in relief. He wants to be friends.

You don't kill friends, right?

Maybe I am saved from dying for a little longer. My body still was shaking from the feeling of his hot breath brushing against my neck. 

"Don't run." I couldn't quite assign if his voice was friendly or not. I wanted to ask him what he meant. I haven't moved a single muscle since I saw his hand from behind me. As I opened my mouth and tried to speak, everything that came out was a loud painful shriek. 

His free hand had made its way to my neck and two fingers were in my throat.

Are vampires drinking blood like that?
Seriously, not even the hot biting thing?

Tears formed in my eyes because of the pain. I wanted to push myself away from him since I could feel almost every drop of blood he was sucking out of me. This was way more than I could handle. I could feel how my life was forcefully sucked out of my body.

He quickly wrapped his other arm, which he used to push the door shut, around me. He pulled my back against his chest and even though my head felt really dizzy I could hear him whisper in my ear.

"Do not run. You just make it worse." My legs were already giving up, the only thing that really was holding me was his strong arm around my waist. I still tried to struggle my way out of this.

As I kicked behind me I could feel that he was standing with his legs closed. He wasn't gonna let me kick him again in his obvious weak point. My punches were weak, I kinda doubt that they were anything more than a tickle to him.

After a few seconds, I was only able to see blurry outlines. Suddenly he pulled his fingers out. I gently whimpered because of the pain.

I think lost a lot of blood, so maybe I was just imagining that his grip got tighter and his breath a little quicker. He stood still for a part of seconds, with me in his arms. Then I felt how I hit the ground and saw how he just walked away.

I hissed because of the pain again. I could blurry see how he sat on the big bed and watched me with an amused smile.

Why has he stopped?

I was barely in a condition where I felt like I was able to survive longer than an hour. I bit my lip hard and cover the wound on my neck that was still bleeding. I slowly got on my knees again.

"Oh? You are sure determined for a human." - "Fuck... you." My voice cracked and I fell down to my knees again. I was way too exhausted for anything.

My body wasn't listening to me anymore. I wasn't even shaking anymore, I could barely move at all. Even breathing was feeling impossible for me. I felt two sharp golden eyes watching me as everything slowly turned black.

If this would be some kind of romance story, the door would get kicked open and some handsome prince would rescue me right now.

No, this won't happen, because this isn't a romance Story.
This is my life.
This was my life.

Everything was black and my mind was drifting off in the dark, quiet void.

Yepp, that was it for me. I failed.

I gasp for air as I woke up. My eyes were opened wide. My heart was beating extremely fast, drumming in my ears. As I wanted to sit up my arms gave out, making me fall back. Yet, the fall did not hurt for once. I realized that the fabric underneath me wasn't hard as usual.

It was soft. Still breathing heavily, I want to tilt my head to the side.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I heard a small chuckle from the male causing my state right after that.

"Why am I lying on a bed? An-", I wanted to continue speaking, but I couldn't. My throat was dry. I carefully sat up. I felt a little dizzy. I cleared my throat and looked at the blonde man. He was currently sitting on the desk, a book in hand.

"And why am I here? I died, didn't I? I wanted cute angels and fluffy clouds an- ... Don't tell me you made me into one of your kind." - "Ho? Wouldn't you be happy to stand above humans?" His voice was amused, a little smile was placed on his lips.

"Just answer me why I am still here and not hugging cute fluffy clouds and spitting on your head." I hold my head.
"Is this how you thank someone for saving your life nowadays?" I wanted to answer but everything that came out was a cough.

"God, you're so sensible and easy to break." My hand instinctively moved out of my hair, to the wound on my throat. I felt a bandage cover it.
"Why?" I whispered breathlessly. If I try to speak more clearly like that it would only end in me coughing my lungs out.

He looked at me for a few seconds. Suddenly he sat on the bed, right in front of me. His hand was holding my chin, forcing me to look at him. I gasped in shock, I haven't even seen how he moved onto the bed.

"Because you're important to me." He almost whispers. His face was close enough for me to feel his breath against my lips. I couldn't help but blush. I was wordless. He really meant it.

Why else would he save me?

I eyed every little detail in his face. This creature was more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. A little smile formed on my lips. I just couldn't help it.

"Stay with me, Mademoiselle."
Somehow I wanted to stay by his side. He was fascinating. And I really meant something to him.

He wouldn't just lie to me, right?

Oh, how he would if he wants to. I know that he's playing with me, but his words are so sweet. It was easy to believe him.

But it I wanted to survive I had to stay strong.
I wanted to open my mouth and say 'No, fuck you, you undeserving faggot batty'. I widened my eyes when my own words reach my ears.  

"Of course, I'll stay with you." - "Ah? This makes me really happy, you should rest a little more." I was pushed back into the bed. A painful moan escaped my lips again. This time I swear I saw how his eyes widened for a split second.

The blonde stood up. I wanted to jump up to and run out of this mad prison.

Why did I say that?
Why did I say I wanted to stay?

I looked at the blonde who placed his hand on the doorknob and was about to leave.
"Wait...." I said, he stood still for a second. I knew he heard me, but he still left before I could speak up again. The lock of the door clicking was the only answer I got from him.

He locked me inside here.
Wow, thanks.
As I could run away before collapsing. Asshole.

The bloodsucking devil - Dio Brando x OC FFWhere stories live. Discover now