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Not a long time passed until I was back into the life I lived before. I was living with my father. It didn't make that much of a difference though.

He didn't care if I was gone, I'm sure he didn't even search for me for one second. I shook my head at that thought. My father was an asshole. A big one.

I honestly can't blame him, I guess. I was told that my mother left me after my birth in front of his door. So he took me in. I mean that was more than I would do if a baby would show up in front of my door. 

I walked out of the small building which was my home. My hand instinctively reached to my neck. I still had a few wounds from Dio and because of that, I was still running around with a big bandage around my neck. I still felt a kind of emptiness but it was easy not to think of a certain blonde vampire.

Well, I always was busy so that made it easy. When I tried to sleep, it got much harder not to think about him. I walked around the streets, my hands inside the pockets of my pants. It didn't take long before I found some tourists. 

I often get mistaken for one myself, my mother was Asian, from which country my father refused to tell me, and I pretty much got her looks. And that pissed my father off even more.

I was a smaller, petite woman. If that were from genes or the food shortage since young age, I wasn't sure.

I took the tourists around for free, or that was what they thought. I already knew which kind of tourist I had to offer a tour to get a little pocket money. On days that didn't work well for me, I sometimes stole.

That wasn't something I wanted to do.
But I had to. Sometimes survival seemed more important than morals.

And sometimes your dumb decisions make you lose track of both.

I scratched my neck. It was a good day. I don't know if it was for the bandages around my body or if Fortuna had blessed me, but one tourist took a liking to me and I was busy with just one person for a whole day. At first, I was worried that it was just a waste of time but the money he gave me was pretty much for a simple 'Thanks for the tour'. 

"Miss, I'm a pretty lonely man. I know that I already took too much of your time but would you like to eat dinner with me?" I was surprised to hear that question. It sometimes happened but, I was out of this game for a long time.

"Uhm... I hate to say that but I can't. I need to get home. If you have any questions about the city left tomorrow I'm back again." Actually, I don't know anything about this city. I just heard some tour guides sometimes and repeat what they say. 

Often if I think it's too boring I make up some crazy story and say that no one tells that story because the government wants to disguise whatever happened in my story. So it's just a secret between me and my 'customers'. The old man looked a little sad about me rejecting him. I gave him a little smile before walking away. It was pretty dark already and I wanted to get home soon. 

I had a certain feeling that someone followed me.

Maybe someone who wasn't human?

My heart started to pound faster at that thought. I shook my head no. I was just imagining things. I wasn't fully over the handsome vampire yet. I got home pretty soon. I opened the door and the same smell as always greeted me.

An alcoholic one. I was so used to it since my childhood it didn't even bother me. 

I walked through the flat into my room. It only was a pretty small one with a bed. I didn't need much space, it was what my father always said. I couldn't argue with that. I was only here to sleep.

The bloodsucking devil - Dio Brando x OC FFWhere stories live. Discover now