Just a few details

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I usually never work at the hospital this late. There was midnight surgery which happens very rarely. Right next to me was every girl's dream guy..........Tyler, he had beach blonde hair in a windswept style, his skin was a natural shade between sun kissed and bronzed, his eyes were somewhere between icy gray and sharp blue, even in scrubs he was hot. Once I caught him changing his shirt after a surgery and it looked like he had a 12 pack.
The other doctors and I continued the surgery for another long 3 hours. After we got out of surgery no one's clothes were clean, and we all went in separate changing rooms.
The Well Being Hospital was the main hospital in Pompano Beach, Fl. I was a heart surgeon just like Tyler. I, Kayla, was about 5 foot 9, medium brown wavy hair and natural sun kissed skin and hazel blue eyes.
I work with my dad and my brother named Austin. He is 27, and is out with a girl every chance he got. David is 21, and he works as a bartender at some bar. My sister Kolbie and I are 25, she doesn't have a job just a boyfriend. Finally, there is my mom, she is a cooking teacher at the fanciest school in LA. She is what inspired me to love food and cooking so much.

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