Combat Training

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It was early on a Monday morning and everyone was in class 1-A talking before lessons started. Everyone was crowded around Todoroki and Izuku.
"So are you two dating?" Asked Denki.
"Mhm!" Smiled Izuku.
Everyone congratulated them, except for Mineta because he wanted to be the first person to date someone in class. So he had a big hissy fit.
"Well me and Eijiro are number 1 couple of U.A, way better than damn Deku and icyhot!" Growled Bakugo.
"You and Kirishima are dating!?" Squealed Mina.
"Yeah..." blushed Kirishima as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Took you long enough dude." Laughed Denki.
"When? How? Who confessed first?" Questioned Mina so fast they could barely understand her.
"Slow down Mina," said Sero.
"Yesterday night and Bakugo walked up to me and asked if we could talk then he confessed first," explained Kirishima.
"Damn right." Said Bakugo.
Then Mr. Aizawa walked into the room in his sleeping bag.
"Settle down class," he said sleepily.
Everyone got in their seats as Mr. Aizawa took the register.
"Today we're doing combat training, I already chose your partners. So here's a list of them." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Tsuyu and Aoyama,
Mina and Sero,
Denki and Kirishima,
Mineta and Iida, 
Uraraka and Shoji,
Tokoyami and Ojiro,
Bakugo and Todoroki,
Hagakure and Momo,
Koda and Sato,
Jiro and Midoriya,"

"I have to be partners with damn icyhot!" Yelled Bakugo, Todoroki rolled his eyes.
"Sup bro," smirked Denki.
"Sup man," laughed Kirishima.
Mina looked over to Sero's desk and waved to him which made him blush.

Mr. Aizawa led them to the courtyard then explained what was going to happen,
"you each use just combat to battle, no quirks allowed or your immediately disqualified, you will each take turns to battle your partner and whoever wins will go into the next round, only 10 of you will enter the next round." Said Mr. Aizawa.
"10 of us!?" They all yelped.

They all had 20 minutes to train with their partners then the battles began. 
First, it was Tsuyu and Aoyama. Unsurprisingly Aoyama is really bad at quirkless combat and Tsuyu won in the first 5 minutes.
Then it was Mina and Sero, Sero was pretty good but thanks to Mina's love of dancing she was great at dodging and sneak attacked him to the floor from behind. So Mina won that match.
Next was Denki and Kirishima. Because of Kirishimas quirk he had very hard and rough skin so Denki's punches were really weak and Kirishima won with one hit, but they hand shook at the end because that was the manly thing to do.
Mineta and Iida were next. Iida won because Mineta is a boneless grape.
Then it was Uraraka and Shoji. Shoji put up a good fight but Uraraka won since she had been taught quirkless combat before.
Tokoyami and Ojiro came next. Tokoyami won because Ojiro was pretty much defenseless without his tail.
Bakugo and Todoroki were next.
"I'm going to kill you icyhot!" Growled Bakugo.
Turns out they both sucked at quirkless combat but Todoroki attacked Bakugo from behind and won.
Hagakure and Momo came after that. Turns out fighting an invisible girl is really hard, even if she is wearing visible clothes. So Hagakure won after tiring Momo out.
Next was Koda and Sato. For a literal rock Koda was very weak and Sato won. 
Last was Jiro and Midoriya. Jiro did TRY but Midoriya won within 5 minutes.
After they all took a break.
"Mina, Tsuyu, Iida, Ochaco, Kirishima, Sato, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Hagakure and Midoriya, you ten will proceed to the next round, the rest of you fail, now go get changed," said Mr. Aizawa.
They all headed to the locker rooms.

Words: 578

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