Arcade date

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It was Thursday, Mina and Sero had arranged to go to the arcade in town. They didn't say it out loud but they both knew they were going to class it as a date.

Hagakure was helping Mina get ready and Denki, Kirishima and surprisingly Bakugo were helping Sero. 

"What if she rejects me though?..." Concerned Sero.
"Bro she literally told you to ask her out when we were playing truth or dare." Said Denki.
"Yeah man it'll be fine," reassured Kirishima.
Once Sero was ready he was wearing a dark blue jacket and a white top with baggy jeans and blue converses.
"You look great Sero!" Complimented Kirishima.
Bakugo grunted jealously. 
"Awww is Bakugo jealousssssss," smirked Denki.
Sero sighed but smiled at his friends then left the room to go to Mina's dorm.
He felt his palms get sweaty before he knocked on Mina's door.
"Sero!" Beamed Mina as she wrapped him in a hug.
"H-hey Mina," smiled Sero, Sero blushed as Mina pulled back and he saw what she was wearing.
She was wearing a pink dress and pink trainers.
"You look... Great..." Mumbled Sero as he blushed.
"You think? You don't look too bad yourself either." Smirked Mina.
"Heh, thanks..." Smiled Sero.

They started walking to the arcade when Mina got an idea, she brushed her hand against Sero's slowly but Sero didn't take the bait and juts continued walking on.


Mina thought hard, then a light bulb went off in her head.
"AH!" She screamed fakely as she fell to the ground.
"Oh my god! Mina are you ok!?" Concerned Sero as he reached out his hand for her.
Mina wasn't really hurt at all but she just wanted to hold Sero's hand. She beamed inside when Sero held out his hand to her but she put on her best frowny face as she took it.
"Yeah... I'm good," reassured Mina.
Once she was off the ground she made sure not to let go of Sero's hand again. After a while Sero noticed they were holding hands, he blushed but didn't take it away because he kinda liked it.


Then they got to the arcade. They played a couple of games till Mina saw this black cat plushie in a claw machine.

She looked at it longingly and Sero noticed.
Without saying anything he put a coin in the machine and started trying to win the cat plushie. After like 7 more tries Mina spoke.
"It's ok Sero, you don't have to!" Insisted Mina.
"But I want to," smiled Sero.
He put his last coin in the machine and finally the claw kept hold of the cat and dropped it into the prize box.
Sero smiled as he picked it up and handed the cat over to Mina.
Mina's face lit up as she took the cat plushie and hugged it.
"Oh my gosh thank you so much Sero!" She squealed happily.
Sero just shrugged.
"It's nothing," he smiled.
Mina checked her phone for the time, 20 minutes before the ice cream shop closed.
"Hey Sero what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Asked Mina.
"Hm? Oh probably mint chocolate chip." Replied Sero.
"Well come on then!" Smirked Mina as she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out the arcade and down the street.
"Mina where are we going?" Questioned Sero as Mina continued to drag him down the ghosted street. The sun was starting to set leaving the sky a mix of red and orange. 
"You'll see!" She smiled.
They stopped outside a small little shop. Mina opened the door and a bell twinkled as they walked in. 
"Hello dearies!" Greeted an oldish looking woman as they walked in. 
"Hi! Can I please have a mint chocolate chip ice cream?" Asked Mina happily.
"Be one moment!" Said the lady.
"Since I only have enough for one and you don't have any money left looks like we're gonna have to share," said Mina with a smug grin.
"Oh, are you sure? I'll just let you have it if you want." Asked Sero.
"No I'd feel bad if I didn't share, besides I kinda wanna share with you anyways..." Mina mumbled the last part quietly.
"What was that?" Asked Sero.
"Nothing!" Blushed Mina.
The lady gave Mina the ice cream and her and Sero started walking down the street, eventually, Mina got Sero to share the ice cream with her. Then they ended up on the beach, they sat close to the waves but not so close that the sand was wet. They finished the ice cream whilst they talked about random things as the sky started going dark. Sero looked up at the stars and felt Mina shudder next to him.
"You cold?" He asked.
"A bit..." Mina mumbled.
"Here," smiled Sero softly as he took his jacket off and wrapped it around Mina.
Mina blushed but smiled at him gratefully.
"Thanks..." Whispered Mina softly.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Sero decided now was the time to risk it all.
"Hey, Mina?" 
"Well I uh- I like you a lot and I was wondering if you- wanted to be my girlfriend?" 
Mina's face immediately lit up and she pounced on Sero hugging him tightly as he fell onto the sand.
"Oof" Sero laughed.
"My gosh! You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" Mina beamed.
After a while, they walked back to the dorms, hand in hand. 

P.S - Sero never got his jacket back, which he didn't mind one bit.

Words: 887

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