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"Tana will you marry me" he asks holding out the most delicate beautiful ring I'd ever seen in my life.

Hearing his words echo around the arena made my heart fill with utter love and joy for the beautiful man kneeled down in front of me.
I stare into his deep green eyes as he's smiling away at me with his big dimples emphasising how happy he is.
I break down of course tears running all down my face and I don't think it's possible for me to speak any words at this point.

People are screaming at me to say yes and of course I will say yes I'm just struggling to fight this overwhelming feeling I have right now.

My head nods out of control and I force myself to speak.
Once the crowds see my head nod they go insane.
"Yes Harry." I nod. "Of course I'll marry you"
Tears pour out his eyes when he hears my answer and he grabs my hand to slide this stunning ring onto my finger.
Before I can even glance more at the ring I pull his face up so he's now standing and our lips crash together.

"I love you" I cry into him.
"I love you more than you'll ever even realise" he whispers into my ear away from the microphone.
"I love you" I say again because I can't help the feeling I have right now. I want to express myself but I feel like I have no words at all.
"I love you too" he laughs and wipes his eyes and then proceeds to wipe the tears I have falling down my face with his thumb.
"I've finally found my special person who I want to be with forever" he says into the microphone.

We pull back at state into each other's eyes for a while before Harry turns back to the audience who are watching with awe.
"Thank you Madrid you've been absolutely amazing I will remember this night for the rest of my life" he shouts.
He takes Elie from my arms and holds him up on his shoulder. I was little scared he'd drop him but I trusted Harry with my life.

"It's been amazing I hope you've all had a good time and I have a safe travel!" He bows a little, not too far though so he doesn't drop Elie.
He drops his microphone to the floor and pulls me into him. We wave to everyone then turn to exit the stage.

Everyone claps for us when we get backstage and I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.
"I can't believe you pulled that off mate congratulations" Louis says patting Harry's back.
"Well what can I say I can't be without her" he beams down at me and I smile back.

Everyone congratulates us and I'm still in utter shock as the time comes for us to get our things and leave.

I don't even realise when the car stops and we are back at our hotel. I've been in a trance ever since he asked me.
"None of this seems real" I breathe out almost whispering.
"It's real baby, your going to be my wife. Forever. So get used to me" he jokes.
I roll my eyes.
"I can't be without you Harry"
He jumps out the car and runs around to my door.

"Come here you" he says as he opens the door to my side.
I go to grab Elie but then I realise that Gemma and Anne offered to take him since me and Harry might be 'busy' tonight.

He pulls me out the car and I wrap my legs around his waist.
He kisses me passionately in the middle of the car park.
His tongue glides over my lips and enters my mouth and I bite his bottom lip a little making him groan.
"Think we should go upstairs" I whisper as I pull away.
"Agreed" he drops me gently down to the floor and wraps my arm around my waist as we walk.

It doesn't take us long to reach our suit again and Harry swiftly unlocks the door pulling us inside and shutting it behind him.
I walk over to the island in the kitchen and places eat bag down.
Just as I turn around I'm pushed back towards the counter and pushed up against it.
"Harry" I whisper as he starts sucking on my jaw and kissing my neck.

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