Chapter 1

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I have decided to add music to my chapters because I have discovered some good song so maybe you could find a song I like to write to that you didn't know existed. Remember to vote and follow.

Song: Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Voldemort never existed so the Potter's lived and they ended up having another child, Alice Lily Potter. Harry is entering his 7th year meanwhile his sister is in 6th year at Hogwarts. Lily is teaching muggle studies and James is the defence against the dark arts professor.

A new family have moved into Godric's Hollow, the Weasley's you don't normally see the family in the day, but you occasionally see them walking about. The family has a dark secret, and that secret is that they are a family of vampires running from vampire hunters, they have returned to Godric's Hollow after being gone for 150 years.

Ginny and Harry have become a very good friend since they have arrived, the whole Weasley family was surprised about how well the Potters were treating them, all they hoped for was that their happiness would not be messed up by any of them making one mistake.

It was the first of September and Harry and Alice were getting ready for another year at Hogwarts. The Potter's arrived at platform 9 and ¾ to find that Ron and Ginny were also attending Hogwarts this year. Harry thought it was weird when Harry caught a glimpse of an ancient ring that bot Ron and Ginny were wearing.

When Harry and Alice parted ways on the train Harry went to find Ron and Ginny, he eventually found them in a compartment far away from everyone else just talking. As soon as Harry walked in they both became silent.

"Hi," Harry said unsure why they immediately stopped talking as soon as he stepped foot in the compartment.

"Hey," Ginny and Ron said coldly.

"Can I sit?" Harry asked hoping his meant to be new friends would let him.

"Sure," Ron and Ginny said as Harry sat next to Ron.

The whole train ride was in complete silence, the only noise was when the trolley lady passed the compartment door. Harry felt awkward because they were his friends and they just totally ignored them.


Once they arrived at Hogwarts Ron and Ginny disappeared in a flash, that confused Harry until someone tapped his shoulder.

Harry turned around and to his surprise, Hermione was standing behind him "Hermione, its so good to see you." Harry said as he brought her into a hug.

"It's so good to see you too," Hermione said as she hugged back. "But where were you one the train?" Hermione asked.

"With Ron and Ginny, there new and have moved right next door to me, so we are sort of friends, but I don't know anymore".

"What do you mean you?" Hermione asked confused.

"I just mean that I sat with them all the way here and they didn't talk to me or each other once". Harry said as he grabbed Hermione's hand and dragged her to the carriages.

I hope you enjoyed, I just wanted to try something different with adding vampires. If you have any ideas for what could come next comment, don't forget to vote and follow.


Hogwarts Princess

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