Chapter 6

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Ever since Harry read Ginny's letter he has been distant not even Hermione can talk to him any more, he got detention for not paying attention and was not looking forward to it but made his way to the transfiguration classroom.

When he entered McGonagall was waiting right at the door.

"I have been called to do something, someone is on their way here to supervise your detention Mr Potter," McGonagall said with a slight grin then left.

Harry thought it was weird that McGoanlly was grinning but just left it just as he sat down the person that was taking his detention walked in. He didn't look up, it wasn't until the person put their hand on the desk when Harry knew who it was.

"Ginny!" Harry shouted he couldn't believe she was here he went straight over to her and bear-hugged her.

"Where did you go, why did you leave" Harry managed to ask before Ginny cut him off with a very scary vampire hiss.

"I don't want to talk about it," Ginny said as she sat a McGonagall desk.

"I do believe you have homework to do," Ginny said with an unfriendly tone.

Harry sadly sat down at the desk and started to do his work occasionally glancing at Ginny and her beautiful face. He could tell she was thinking about something because she had a very concentrated face.


Harry detention was ending in five minutes he was packing away his books when Ron came running into the room.

"McGonagall told me you were here," Ron said as he walked over to his sister with a bag full of blood.

Ginny must not have noticed because Ron was trying to give her the blood but she was in a sort of trans.

"Ginny," Ron said a bit louder.

Ginny came out of the trans and looked at Ron, he gave her the blood bag and that's when I saw a huge bite mark on her arm.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Ginny said as she briskly left the room leaving the blood bag behind.

Ron sighed and looked at Harry "she got bit by a werewolf".

Harry began to think back at today defence against the dark arts when they were talking about werewolves and remembered something.

"Is a werewolf bite not fatal to a vampire?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron sighed and nodded sadly "she will be dead by the morning".

Harry quickly gathered his stuff and followed Ginny down to the lake where she sat under a big oak tree. Harry saw that she was looking through a book so he stayed just looking at her for what felt like an eternity.

"You can come over," Ginny said as she faced Harry.

Harry snapped out of his trans and slowly made his way over to Ginny.

"I won't bite," Ginny said as she patted the spot next to her.

Harry sat next to her and realised it was a family photo album she was looking at, he hugged her and after a while, he let go and looked in her eyes and realised she was crying.

"I don't want to die, I've always wanted to die but now that I am I don't want to," Ginny said as she started to bawl her eyes out.

Harry just hugged her, he had never seen a vampire cry and didn't want to see it again they stayed like that for hours until Mrs Weasley came running down with a huge syringe with a blue liquid in it.

"I found a cure," Molly said as she gestured to the huge syringe.

"What is that," Harry asked Molly.

"It's wolfsbane," Molly said then looked at her daughter.

"Won't that knock me out for days?" Ginny asked as her mother came over getting ready to inject it into her".

"Yes, but in my opinion, it's much better than dying," Molly said looking at her daughter for approval.

Ginny nodded, Molly injected the wolfsbane into Ginny and within seconds Ginny was out cold in Harry's arms.

"Look after her and don't take her to the hospital wing just take her to bed and she will be fine," Molly told Harry as he stood up.

Harry nodded and started to walk up to the Gryffindor Common room, it then hit Harry that he can't go up the girl's stairs so he just took her up to his bed closed the curtains so nobody could see him and got in next to her.

Hope you enjoyed, I am enjoying writing this story


Hogwarts Princess

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