Chapter 24

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Please read the authors note at the bottom important information.

The twins cried as the mysterious person took them from the Potter's back garden and walked into the forest with them. The person then apparated away but not without leaving behind one of Avery's shoes.


Harry and Ginny were freaking out Avery and Aspen were gone, Ginny's brothers went out to look for the twins or a clue to where they could be. Ginny started hyperventilating until eventually, she passed out and Harry brought her to their bedroom hoping they could find Avery and Aspen before she wakes up.

The Weasley brothers were away for quite some time before they came back into the house with one of the twin's shoe.

"Where did you find it?" Harry asked before running over and grabbing it.

"Just at the edge of the forest," Ron said as he sat down.

Molly and Lily decided to look in the forest, so they both got up and went to the forest in search of their grandchildren.

"We're too late aren't we Molly," Lily said, as she sat on a rock.

"What do you mean?" Molly asked.

"They are gone, aren't they?" Lily said as she put her head in her hands.

"Most likely," Molly replied.

They decided to go back, Harry alerted the Aurors so they were looking for the girls all over the country, but sadly had no luck.

The sun was setting as Ginny woke up to Harry sitting beside her.

"Was it just a bad dream?" Ginny asked Harry.

Harry shook his head before bringing Ginny into a hug and just laying with her as she sobbed herself back to sleep. Harry and Ginny just weren't there selfs without their two joyful girls.


The person locked the two girls in a very small room with one window up at the top right-hand corner there was one bed, but nothing else in the room.

Avery started to cry for her parents in hopes they would come, but the only person that came was a man, the man was enormous compared to their dad and a lot hairier.

He smiled showing fangs "Hello girls," Fenrir Greyback spoke before he bit both of their necks then placed them on the bed and put gauze to the bites before he left and locked them in again.

It wasn't until morning that the twins woke up with blood-soaked gauze around their necks, they both looked around until they saw Fenir again sitting in the corner.

"Come on let's get food little ones," Fenrir said as he grabbed their arms forcing them to follow. He sat them at a small table and placed a pile of food when Avery or Aspen didn't start eating force-fed both of them. Fenrir then took them into a very gross looking living room with sofas which has mould on them and sat them down.

Fenrir sat them down for two minutes before Harry, Ginny and Aurors burst through the doorway.

**With Harry and Ginny earlier**

The Aurors came back with a led of where the twins could be and Harry and Ginny didn't like it one bit. The Aurors believed it was Fenrir Greyback who captured the twins the only thing they don't know is why?

Harry Ginny and the Aurors all arrived at Fenrir's run-down cottage, they haven't seen the twin yet, but hopefully, they would find them soon Harry and are very worried Ginny would see their daughters soon, or never again.

Once everyone was at the door they tried just opening it, but no luck so the Aurors decide to use armed force and blow the door off its hinges. When everyone was inside, Harry and Ginny saw Avery and Aspen and ran towards them while the Aurors arrested Fenrir for abduction.

That's when Ginny spotted the blood-soaked gauze around each of their necks and decide to take a look only to regret it. Ginny felt the twins foreheads before turning to Harry. 

"He bit them," Ginny said.

"Wait so... they are...werewolves?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, you were human when they were conceived, so they could take after you and could be human and if that's the case then yes they will be werewolves, but if their vampires then no they won't," Ginny said before Harry and she picked up one of the twins each.

One thought was going through both Harry and Ginny's mind, are our daughters going to be werewolves?

Hope you enjoyed, should I make the twins werewolf or vampires? I need to know, or I can't start writing the next chapter, by the time you are reading this I will be back a school, so I can't promise updates daily but, I'm doing once or twice a week only until I get used to the workload from school. Stay safe.


Hogwarts Princess

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