Chapter 14

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If you forgot what happened read chapter 13

Ginny couldn't believe what she was hearing, both her boyfriend and his parents were saying to turn him.

"But why?" Ginny asked looking the between all three of them.

"You make each other happy, if that isn't a good enough reason then I don't know," James said to Ginny.

Ginny nodded and started to unpack her bag.

"Does this mean" Harry started but was interrupted before he could finish.

"Yes," Ginny said then walked over to him "but later, live a little before it happens," she said, kisses him on the cheek and left the room.

The party lasted another hour and a half but to Harry, it felt like an eternity, because he knew when this party ended, he was going to be with his girlfriend and their unborn baby forever.


When the party ended Harry could tell that Ginny nerves were through the roof.

"Hey baby, don't stress yourself it not good for the baby and yourself," Harry said then waved to the last of guests.

Ginny nodded and took a couple of deep breaths. Lily and James and Alice walked over.

"Are you doing it then?" Lily asked both Harry and Ginny.

They both nodded then Ginny started walking out the room.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked

"Upstairs so we can change you," Ginny said.

"Just do it here," Harry said and grabbed Ginny's hand and lead her back into the middle of the living room.

Ginny looked hesitant to do this, but eventually slit her wrist and fed Harry her blood. Ginny removed her hand from Harry's mouth and looked really scared about what she had to do next.

"Is that it?" Harry asked.

"No," Ginny said as she placed her hand on his cheek.

"Well, wha..." Harry said before he was interrupted by Ginny snapping his neck in half and killing him.

Lily screamed as her only son fell to the floor dead and threatened to kill Ginny. It took Ginny a full hour to explain what is happening and by that time Harry woke up suddenly.

"Hi," Ginny said stroking Harry's cheek.

"What happened?" Harry asked the suddenly felt a sudden craving for blood.

Ginny explained what happened then asked Lily to get him a blood bag.

Lily came bag with a blood bag in her hand, she gave it to her son and watch him devour it in one gulp, veins started to form under Harry's eyes and everyone knew that wasn't good. As if like lightning he managed to nearly kill his whole family in a matter of seconds.

Ginny started to panic and done the only thing that would save them, turned them all into vampires. 

Ginny wondered how they would react to the news of being vampires. Would they be mad? Happy? Scared? She didn't know but one thing she did know was that everything was going to be alright from here.

I hope you are enjoying please give me feedback on anything or if you have suggestions on what could happen next I will be happy to hear them. I'm not going to be able to update till next week, I have a couple of essays to write for my school subject and on top of the work I am getting I am putting school first. I will try to update but I am not promising anything. 

Stay safe

Hogwarts Princess

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