Chapter 10

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Enjoy :)

Once Ginny saw that she wasn't at her house she knew something wasn't right then when she turned around all she saw was darkness.

"" Ginny yelled then felt a sharp item pierce her skin, then she passed out.


Lily, James, Harry and Alice have just begun to eat dinner when Harry felt strange, then he started to get dizzy but it soon stopped. Harry knew something was wrong with Ginny, but he didn't know why he could sense it.

"Somethings wrong with Ginny" Harry screamed as all his family looked concerned.

Lily felt her son's forehead but his temperature was normal "are you feeling alright?" Lily asked her son.

"Yeah I'm fine, but Ginny she in danger," Harry said as he dragged his family out the house and apparated them to the Burrow (Harry knew Ginny was there, but he didn't know how).

Everyone was shocked when they saw all the Weasleys on a weird-looking bed that sat upright with restraints around then with tubes in there arms and liquid was flowing through them.

"Is that..." lily said before getting interrupted by her daughter.

"Yeah, I think it is blood mum," Alice said then looked at her brother.

Harry was staring at them all he took out his wand, the people who were taking the blood saw this and ran away.

"Very brave," Harry said under his breath and ran over to Ginny and untied her. She fell into Harry's arms and he layed her on the ground and with the help of his family untied all the Weasley's and took them into the Burrow.

Lily adventured around the house and managed to find their blood supply and took some and gave one to each of them.


Once Lily returned everyone was sitting up. Lily started to give out the blood bags.

Lily got to Ginny and gave her some blood and said: "are you, ok sweetie?"

Ginny didn't answer but snatched the blood and walked into The Burrow.

"She's not herself," Molly said to Lily.

Lily nodded and realised something "oh I'm Lily and this is my husband James and children Harry and Alice.

"I'm Molly, my husband Arthur and children Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and you know Ginny.

"Yeah," Lily said and her James Molly and Arthur started having a conversation.

Bill and Charlie left and ran into the woods, Percy, Fred, George and Ron all walked further away from the grown-ups and sat down and started talking and laughing so Harry and Alice walked into The Burrow and started looking for Ginny.

"You know she probably won't talk back," Alice said as Harry looked in an empty room.

"Yeah, I know but it's worth a try," Harry said while Alice looked in a room that looked to belong to Bill or Charlie.

Finally, Harry and Alice found Ginny's room Harry knocked and opened it slightly and saw Ginny looking out the window at the full moon.

"Hey Ginny," Harry said as he fully entered the room.

"Hey," Ginny said coldly.

Harry couldn't take Ginny being like this so he marched right over to her turned her around and passionately kissed her. Harry was surprised when she kissed back, he wasn't expecting it and when he finally pulled away he looked into her eyes.

"I don't blame you for anything you did, none of us do Gin," Harry said leading her over to her bed and sat her down.

"But why? I could have killed you" Ginny said close to tears.

"But you didn't" Harry softly spoke before kissing her nose.

After an hour of talking and laughing, Lily and James came up and were ready to go home. Harry and Alice stood up to leave but when they reached Lily and James they didn't disapparate.

"We're not leaving without you sweetie," Lily said to Ginny.

Ginny got up and walked toward the Potters and then they all disapparated and appeared in the kitchen of their home in Godric's Hollow.

"Now bed you two," Lily said to Alice and Harry.

"What about Ginny mum?" Alice said.

"Well considering she is probably older than me I can't exactly tell her what to do," Lily said and everyone started laughing.

"You have no idea how much older I am, but I'm still going to bed, so you don't have to be jealous Alice," Ginny said, everyone but Alice started laughing.

"How did you know?" Alice said shocked because she could cover up her jealousy good.

"I have been alive for hundreds of years Alice, you pick up on when people are jealous," Ginny said as she grabbed Harry's hand and went up the stairs and fell asleep in the loving arms of her love. Harry James Potter.

I enjoyed writing this chapter for a change. I usually find writing chapter kind of a chore. Hope you enjoyed :)


Hogwarts Princess

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