Chapter 9

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Ginny stepped out into the dark and damp street of Godrics Hollow's and started walking towards the town centre. Ginny just got to the town centre when she heard a familiar female voice.

"Ginny wait," Alice said as she grabbed her hand.

Ginny looked into Alice's eyes then noticed that James, Lily and Harry appeared from around a corner. Veins started to appear under Ginny's eyes, Ginny quickly pulled her hand away and started to speed walk away from all of them.

Alice started to run after Ginny, once she caught up she grabbed her hand again but this time Ginny didn't look at her.

"Ginny?" Alice asked before she felt blood flow down her neck.

Ginny bit Alice on the neck, as soon as she did it she pulled away her eyes were red and blood was all over her face. Lily and James ran over to help Alice but before she got to her Ginny bit both of them, her eyes were still red when she started to head for Harry, he didn't even try to stop her he just let Ginny bite him then brought her to the ground.

When Harry brought her to the ground was went she let go of Harry and her eyes changed from red to brown, she looked at all of them she was shocked because she couldn't remember biting any of them.

She saw the blood flowing out their open wounds, their wounds were deep and people started coming out of their houses to see what all the commotion is about.

Ginny looked at Harry and Harry looked back, but she couldn't do it so she ran down an alleyway and out of people sight and started bawling her eyes out.


Someone in the town called healers when they caught a glimpse of the Potter's wounds. Healers started to arrive, they started to escort James, Lily, Harry and Alice to a portkey that will take them to Saint Mungo's but one healer stayed behind because she saw a glimpse of Ginny hiding in an alleyway.

"Hey, are you ok?" the healer asked Ginny.

Ginny turned around as soon as the healer saw her. "Yeah, fine" Ginny said trying to walk away from the healer.

The healer noticed she sounded upset and grabber Ginny's wrist and spun her around, the healer was shocked when she saw the blood on her face. That's when she realised what had happened.

"I'm Aria, what's your name," Aria said as she walked more into the alley with Ginny.

"Ginny," Ginny said following Aria still sounding upset and kind of scared.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you," Aria said as she leads Ginny to the end of the ally and apparated to a private room in Saint Mungos with Ginny.

"I...I can't...I can't be here" Ginny said with a panicky voice.

"Relax, I'm not going to say what you are, I'm going to protect you," Aria said while leading Ginny over to the bed so she can sit down.

"Why?" Ginny asked as Aria gave her a cup of water.

"Because I'm a vampire too," Aria said and just left the room, leaving Ginny only with her thoughts.


Hours passed by and Ginny was still in the hospital room all alone, but just outside the door, she heard a familiar voice. The door flung open to reveal the Potter's the blood she donated to them hours ago had worked because there was not a scratch on any of there bodies.

Ginny smiled but her smile soon became a frown, just then Alice came up and took Ginny's hand.

"I forgive you," Alice said with a smile.

"But none of you would be here if it wasn't thanks to me," Ginny said looking into Alices eyes.

"It wasn't your fault," all the Potter's said simultaneously.

"Now let's go home," Lily said offering her hand to Ginny.


Everyone arrived home to see the whole Weasley clan in the living room.

"What are you doing here?" Ginny asked her dad.

"We heard about your little stunt, that's why we are here," Molly said to her daughter as she grabbed her wrist.

"I am so sorry about our daughter, we will leave you now," Molly and Arthur said together

James and Lily knew there was no point in arguing with Molly and Arthur so juts let them take Ginny back home.

The Potter's all say their goodbyes before the vampires depart, Alice and Harry didn't know when they would next get to see Ginny but they knew it would be no time soon.

Hope you enjoyed :)


Hogwarts Princess

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