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The Potter and Weasley family ended up buying a couple of house in the country that was right next to each other.

Harry and Ginny had 6 kids called Avery, Aspen, Ben, Jason and Chloe and a little one on the way.

Alice and Fred ended up together and had 3 kids Issac, Annie and Annabell.

All the other Weasley married into different family mostly vampire family except Ron who married a human Girl called Hermione and had 3 kids with her Rose, Daisy and a little on on the way too.

In the end, the vampires ended up living very full lives and all of them lived on for many years to come.


Sorry, this is so late I have not been doing nothing since I stopped publishing, I am working on a new story that I cant wait to publish but I'm finishing it before publishing. My goal is to start publishing at the end of September early October, but I can't tell you if that will be when it realised just an estimate.

Also, I now have an Instagram account for my Wattpad it called x._Hogwrats_princess_.x go follow for sneak peeks of what's coming soon.

Grammar is probably so bad in this but oh well and also sorry for the worst epilogue ever.


Hogwarts Princess

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