The Day It All Began

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The 10 year old girl sat at the corner of her bedroom hugging her knees,eyes shot tight,hand over her ears trying to block out the noises. Gunshots were firing profusely, bombs were blowing up,shaking the hole mansion as if there was an earthquake . There were people yelling from behind the close door. Ever second you would hear footsteps stuffing.

The door bust open making the little girl flinch. The little girl watched her mother ran to her taking her into a warm embrace. Her mother had a few cuts and bruises on her face.The little girl watched her mother not wanting to show how scared she was but failed.

"Eomma!" the young girl cried,letting her salty tears stain her mothers dress.

"Yes! Eomma is right here." the mother said stroking the younger hair in hopes of calming her down.

"Y-y/ isn't safe here...we have to get out of here,now." the little girl nodded stand up.

"Where's Appa?" The mother looked at her daughter with sorrowful eyes.

"Appa..he's resting." The mother cupped her daughter face.

They both made there way out of the dark room. The little girl looked terrified going down the hallway. The mother would look back ever secound making sure there was no one following them.

Finally at last a little hope was left when the mother and daughter made there way out the backdoor of the mansion

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Finally at last a little hope was left when the mother and daughter made there way out the backdoor of the mansion.

The little girl looked up at the glowing moon that was looking back down at her. A small smile left her lips.


A gunshot was fired. The little girl looked at her mother that lay on the ground, blood splash on the little girls cheek as she watches her mother.

"R-run! go y/n!" the mother cough up blood. The little girl stood there frozen tears building up. The little girl looked at her mother whos lips were moving but she couldn't hear a thing. They was a ringing noise that echo true her ears and she find her surrendering spinning around her.

The little girl snap back when a loud bomb went off setting the mansion on fire.

"Run Y/n!" the little girl hear her mother cried out before starting to run into the woods. She felt as if she was running in cricle before she dropped onto the cold hard ground thinking how could she have left her mother.

You jerked out of bed with a heavy breath panting unconditionalble. Your vision was blurry, you quickly took the back of your hand wipping the tears that desired to fall. You put on your rope over your nightgown and got out of bed.

 You put on your rope over your nightgown and got out of bed

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