I Love Her

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*Suga POV*

I couldn't think probably anymore. I'm hurting inside and I don't know how to fix it. I've been drinking my trouble away but that didn't help.
I feel like Im breaking apart more.

"AAHHH!!!" I yelled thowing down everything on the ground.

"AAHHH!!!" I yelled thowing down everything on the ground

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Nothings helping me. I heard footsteps coming down and there he was the man who ruin my life

"I don't want to fucking talk to you!" I warned walking away.

"Hyung please!" Jungkook quickly came grapping my shoulder. I quickly turned around and punched him in the face.

"You fucking made me like this!" I yelled.

Jungkook wipped the blood off his lip and looked at me. " I did nothing It was your choice. Are you forgetting why we did it?!" Jungkook yelled back at me.

"Your right... Its my fault" I said feeling the tears buildingup as I chuckled Jungkook quickly came and hugged me.

I couldn't be held I didn't want to be held unless it was her

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I couldn't be held I didn't want to be held unless it was her.... I pushed Jungkook off me.

 I pushed Jungkook off me

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I hated myself. I had finally calm down and looked at Jungkook in the ground. Really what am I doing?

"I promised myself I wouldn't fall for her but I felt so happy with her after so long I screwed up." I admit looking at Jungkook.

"I love her." I said with tears rolling down my face.

*Jin POV*

I stood behind the wall hidden.

"I love her." Suga said which made me feel guilty. I really messed up if I didn't open my mouth things wouldn't have been like this. Suga wouldn't be hurting and we would of still had the deal.

It was morning and I was making my way to Y/n's mansion. I had a talk with Namjoon and I had to atlest make one thing right.

I ring the doorbell, It soon open revaling a girl but quickly shot close.

"Please Wait!" I said quickly knocked on the door.

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