Original Contract

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Jungkook and I walked into Mr.Song office taking a seat by the window. Mr.Song followed seating opposite us. He fixed his jacket and crossed his leg.

"How have you been Y/n?" Mr.Song asked.

I looked at him with a disgusted face before looking out the window not caring to answer.

Mr.Song chuckled "I didn't know you were the kind of person to date your enemies," he said looking at Jungkook and then at me.

"I'll argee with us being enemies but dating is a little to much don't you think?" I title my head to the side looking at Mr.Song he smiled and nod his head.

"Can we cut the small talk and get down to business," Jungkook said looking at Mr.Song.

Mr.Song got up from his seat and walk towards his deck taking out a folder. He walked back and throw the folder on top the table infornt Jungkook and I.

Both of us looked at the folder and then each other before I took it up. Carefully I opened it reading the documents inside.

I sat there in shock looking at the paper. It was the original contact for the Company.

"What is it?" Jungkook questioned but I dare not say a word.

Jungkook looked at me in counfused before grabbing the paper out of my hand. He seem just as shock as I was.

Mr.Song leaned on his deck with a smirk.

I quickly grabbed the paper away  from Jungkook hand.

"Y/n..." Jungkook said looking at me.

"We'll talk about this later," I said looking away from him. I looked at Mr.Song "How come you didn't sign this?" I asked a little suspicious.

"Ah...I would of, if I could but here's the funny think only a child from the Kim family or a child from the Jeon family can sign it," Mr.Song explained.

"Ok..then why are you giving it to us?" Jungkook asked.

"That's a secret," Mr.Song Smiled "It's late you guys can spend the night and in the morning leave," Mr Song said and signal his gard to take us to a room.

"Jungkook," I tug on his shirt. Jungkook looked back and I handed him the contract. "I need to talk to Mr.Song about my parents can you wait for me with the others?" I asked looking innocently.

He nodded kisses the back of my hand before walking away.

I sighed and walked back into Mr.Song Office.


What do you think Y/n and Mr.Song is gonna talk about??

Who do you think will get the contract??

Do you think Jungkook is falling  for

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