Care Taker

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I was on my way to the front yard when I stop in my traces hearing shouting.

"Yah! listen here you little bitch! I'm driving weather you like it or not so hears a suggestion its best you stay home.Y/n will be safe with me." Jackson said patting Suga on the shoulder.

Suga gave him a disgusted face before  hitting his hand of his shoulder.

"First of all don't ever touch me with your dirty hands and secound of all you're not the one who makes her scream at night so I suggest you take your 2 inch dick and go back inside!" Suga said grabbing the keys from Jackson.

Can't they get along for once?

I walked up to those two taking the keys from Suga's hand. "I'm driving and you TWO HAVE to come." I said seating inside the van.

The entire drive was silence both of the boys would just exchange death glaces to each other

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The entire drive was silence both of the boys would just exchange death glaces to each other. I soon came to a hult as my eyes wonder to an old wooden house cross the street.
The neighborhood looked dead as if no one lives here.

"Are you sure we're at the right address?" Suga asked looking around.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure It said she used to live here." Jackson said double checking his phone.

"We better not waste anytime then." I said as I took of the van and got down.

I walked up to the front door with Suga and Jackson following right behind me.

Suga made the first move and knocked on the door. No one came out but after the third try the door slightly opened. A girl peeked her head a little.

"What do you want?" she said.

"Um Hi...Im Kim Y/n...Im acquaintances of Grace Williams..Do you by chance know her?" I asked trying to look at the girl true the little space.

The door slightly opened more revaling a girl.

The door slightly opened more revaling a girl

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"Im Lisa...Miss Grace used to be my care taker." she said.

I looked at Jacksom before he stepped infornt to speak "Do you mind if we come in?"

The girl nodded moving aside for us to enter.

We enter what seems to be an living room.

"I'll get some Tea." Lisa said stepping away.

I took a look around the room before my eyes landed on a picture. It was the sams one we had saw with Grace.

Lisa return back with a tray of tea and placed it on the coffee table.

"I have some questions I'll like to ask you if you don't mind." Lisa nodded listening to me.

"Miss Grace where is she right now?"

I could see the hesitation in her before she answered.

"She passed away long time ago." Lisa answered.

"Was this her home?" Jackson asked.

"Yes.She raised the Orphans here." Lisa said taking a sip of her tea.

"Do you mind telling us how you end up here?" Suga asked.

Lisa looked at the three of us "Just who exactly are you guys? Why are you here no one lives here and it isn't a place visters would come." Lisa said looking at us spacious.

"We're from Heaven's Eyes." Suga said.

The mug from Lisa hands slip and fell to the ground but thankfully it didn't break.

I quickly stood up grapping some tissues and patting up the tea in the ground.

"Did you get hurt?" I asked but she didn't answer and only step back with tears in her eyes.

"P-please d-don't kill me..." she said.

"That wasn't my intentions. I just want to talk to you.okay?" I said as Lisa quickly nodded.

She took a deep breath "I used to live in an Orphanage with Miss Grace and some other orpahans but we soon got kicked out and was cast in the streets homeless. Miss Grace brought this house and try taking as much in but she was soon diagnosed with an illness and...died. That's all I know." Lisa said looking down.

I nodded and thanked her.

"I think its best we go now." Suga whispered in my ear.

"Thank you Lisa for your help." I said as i took of my necklace and placed in on the table. "I don't have cash on me but you could atlest get 25k or more out of it." I said and made my way to the door.

" I said and made my way to the door

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"Wait...The Forbidden Fruit...Its a book Miss Grace wrote it should have the answers to everything ...but i haven't seen it since we got kicked out." Lisa said as I nodded smiling.

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