A Kim

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*Y/n POV*

I sat on the bar stool sipping on my cocktail. I spin around looking at the crowd of people who were pushing and grinding there bodies on one other.

"Y/n. Secound floor to the right in a black suit." Jungkook said next to me. My gaze went straight to the second floor. It was none other then the famous Mr.Song.

"So it was ture he's a regular, here." Jungkook said and then got up from his seat taking my hand.

We squeezed true the crowd and made our way to the staircase leading to the secound floor. Jungkook and I entered a room.

"BamBam saided he'll met us here." Jungkook said ploping down on one of the couch.

"He's the owner Im guessing." I said and Jungkook just nodded.

"Hey Y/n about Joy." Jungkook said looking away nervous.

"What about her?" I said and when to a couch opposite Jungkook.

"She's my past and I have nothing to do with her now." Jungkook explained rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why tell me? I don't care," I said and raised a eyebrow. " Whatever relationship you two had isn't my business but I didn't know that was your type of girls, I guess I expected more from you." I said crossings my legs and arms.

"What like you--" Jungkook said but got cut off when the door opened.

"What like you--" Jungkook said but got cut off when the door opened

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A totle hotty walked in and I was shook.

"Sorry if I took long." He said and locked the door behind him.

"No problem, We just wanted to talk to you about a few things." Jungkook said standing up which made me do the same. Bam Bam attention soon fell on me and I bite my bottom lip unknowly.

"Im BamBam." He said and took my hand kissing it.

"Y/n." I said and he looked taken back.

"As in Kim Y/n?" He asked.

"Yeah that's me." I said and chuckled nervously.

"Im thrill to met you." He said not letting my hand go.

Jungkook soon cleared his troth gaining both of our attention.
"Shall we get down to business?"

BamBam nodded escorting me to the couch.

After a while talking (Im to lazy to come up with a conversation) Jungkook and BamBam left the room. They told me to stay put and they will be back.

I sat in the couch just spacing out until I heard the door opened.

Your back, can we go now--" I got up from the couch but stop.

"Y/n why didn't you come see me." Mr.Song said coming into the room.

"H-how did you know?" I said looking at him walk to me.

"You really thing wearing a wig wouldn't let me know who you really are?" He chuckled and held a stran of my hair.

I quickly push his hand away backing up.

"Why wouldn't you join me already? We have been separated for so long, Come back to me." He smiled at me as I cringe.

"Do you hear yourself? Why would I-" I paused for a second. "Why would I go to someone who killed my parents." I said clenching my fist.

"Do you have any idea what I had to go true? you fucking made me like this!" I shouted at him.

"Your so naive, tell me do you really believe your a Kim?" He said standing up looking at me.

"What?" I said confused.

"Y/n do you really think there are your parents?" Mr.Song said which made me freeze.

"You think I don't know why you want the conpany? You and I both know the Kim's are not your biological parents." He said looking at me.

"shut up...SHUT UP!" I scream holding my head.

Mr.Song looked away and sigh, then looked back at me. "Come to my private island at Lake Horn oh and bring your little friend who's with you." he said and the left.

I stood there staring at nothing. I'm a Kim and that's for sure nothing's going to change that.

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