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*Y/n POV*

"Listen I don't have your leader nor your friend, they did came here, but they left to go back home." I said to the 4 guys who eyes were burning my skin.

"Its true he left with the other guy." Suga said stepping up.

*Buzz Buzz*

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, frowning my eyebrows I took my phone out. My eyes grow wide seeing a picture of Jungkook and Jimin tied to a chair. It was an unknow number and it had its adress and said to come alone.

"Well looks like your leader got kidnapped." I said to the 4 boys holding up my phone.

"Well then it was nice meeting you im going back to bed." I said rubbing my eyes. I was about to walk inside when a deep voice stopped me.

"Miss Y/n!" I sigh and turn back to face a boy on his knees.

"Please help us!the person wants to talk to you if we show up who knows what he might do." The guy said.

"Tae! we don't need her!" Jin said as I rolled my eyes.

"He's right please help us." RM said.

Jin scoffed and looked away.

Im going to regret this later it already sounds like a pian.

"Fine." I sigh "Let me get dress first and well head out." I said going inside to get changed.

*After a couple minutes*

I changed and walked down stairs.

"Um are you sure you'll be able to fight? heels?" Taehyung questioned looking me up amd down

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"Um are you sure you'll be able to fight? heels?" Taehyung questioned looking me up amd down.

"Can she even fight?" Jin said with a little sass.

"Would you like to find out?" I said tilting my head to the send a little.

"Ok Ok break it up," Suga interrupted "She used to this just truth her."

"Im taking the bike, you guys be ready if I need back up." I explained as I took my helmet and placed it on.


I had arrived to what seemed to be a warehouse. I came off the motorbike and took off my helmet.

I slowly walked to the door and without a doubt I kicked it down entering.

The place was dark before the lights switched on. There they were two fucking idiots tied to a chair.

"Do you two know your disturbing my sleep!" I yelled at them walking up.

Jungkook and Jimin eyes widen seeing me as they tried to tell me something put all that came out was muffed by the cloth.

I pulled out the cloth from Jimin mouth  "Behind you!" he souted out but of course I already knew and dodge the hit making it leaned right out Jimin head before he blacked out.

"Oh shit." I places a hand over my mouth looking at Jimin.

The same guy soon swing a bat at me again but I stopped it but kicking him in his balls.

"You were really going to hit me?!" I yelled at him as he groaned in the floor.

More guys started to come out. Without a doubt I pulled a knife out of my side and attacked.

 Without a doubt I pulled a knife out of my side and attacked

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I had taken down a totel of 30 and I began to feel tired.

I looked back at Jungkook and quickly went to him taking out the cloth from his mouth and cutting the rope.

"Aren't I'm the out who should be saving you?" Jungkook teased.

"Shut up princess." I said.

I stood up seeing more guys coming into the room. I was about to attack again when I heard clapping. A middle age man came in with an ugly  smile.

"Y/n impressive!" he said

"And who the fuck would you be?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Oh what a shame. I feel hurt that my little Y/n don't remember me." He said wiping his fake tears.

"Why does he sound like a pedo?" Jungkook whisper in my right ear.

"He looks like on too." I whisper back.

"Oh come on what are you guys talking about." he said.

"We're talking about how you look like a pedo." I said folding my arms.

"You bart! I raised you!" He shouted.

"You did?" I questioned.

" My name is Mr Song! I was your father assistant in Bighit!" He said with a scary smile.

"Oh...well nice seeing you again we'll be on our way." I waved along with Jungkook making my way to the door.

"Not so fast! Your missing something." he said smirking.

"Shit he's right! Jimin!" Jungkook said jogging back to Jimin helping him up.


"The company is mine! all mine! so you two should give up!"  he explained.

"Ohhh~ this is what its about, ok then bye~" I said about to leave but some of his men blocked me.

"The compay isn't under nether of your names but its under mine. I have full access to it and Im going to start opening it up. This was just a warning." He said about to leave but I stopped him.

"What do you mean its under your name? the compay is under mine and jungkook?" I said looking at him.

"Nope your father made a deal with me if anything happeneds its mine.Tell me Y/n how do you think your father died?"

I clench my fist looking at him with fire in ny eyes.

"Oh don't give me that look I can easily killed you. Your lucky I didn't kill you along with your parents." he said smirking.

He turned to walk away but stop and looked at me "Oh and don't try anything stupid or you might just get kill."

Mr.Song and his guys left. I looked at Jungkook holding Jimin.

"Lets go." I said walking outside when Suga ran up to me along with the rest they helped Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hey your not hurt are you?" Suga asked but I shook my head.

"Lets just go home." I said with a little smile.


Heyy i hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to vote and hope you all are safe!

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