chapter 1

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It started off as a regular day me just trying to find a job. I was looking around and found one that says looking for a counselor for summer camp. I decided to give it a call a very cheerful voice picked up.

(Y/n):"Hi my name is (y/n) I want to work as a new counselor"

???:"Oh wow really we all will be glad to to have you come"

(Y/n):"Do I have an interview or something like that"

???:"No no not at all just how up and get to work"

(Y/n):"Okay is it Camp Campbell"

???:"Yes that is us"

(Y/n):"Okay i will be there "

???:"Great to have you on board (y/n)"

I hang up the phone and smile to myself well I guess I'm going camping.
I note in my room and got my suitcase and put some clothes in it. As I was packing my suitcase I was wondering how many kids I would be watching. Or any teenagers. I really did not know I'm just really really needed a job. I put it in my car and getting ready for the long drive just in case I put it in my back of my car too. Some snacks and a drink I will go tomorrow morning to the camp.

____________the next morning_________

I wake up early brush my teeth brush my hair take a shower. I grab anything else I need to head to the car getting ready for the 6 hours drive there I decided to wake up early so I can be there in time to see all the campers wake up. here I go off on to Camp Campbell.

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