Chapter 7

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Atifa's pov :

I woke up the next day obviously because of my annoying alarm. It has never let me sleep peacefully. But nevertheless, my mood was surprisingly not that bad today and I had a smile on my face. Even I don't know the reason for that.

After praying and reading Quran I called Emaan, knowing very well that she might be sleeping now, after praying. I yawned. Even I was sleepy. But I can't sleep until I have made the breakfast. Especially since I don't know at what time the 'guest' wakes up. I was waiting for her to pick up the call when I caught my reflection in the mirror. A small smile was playing on my lips and I didn't even realise it.

"Assalamualikum whoever it is, please leave a message for Emaan if it is important and she will call you back. She is busy in a meeting right now." I heard her irritated and sleepy voice. I chuckled but quickly covered it up with a fake cough.

"Walikumussalam. Emaan. What are you even doing right now? Weren't you supposed to come to my home early today? Don't tell me you forgot that I'm getting married? And here you are sleeping peacefully with no care in the world. As if you don't even know about it!" I told her in fake seriousness. I know what I did here and I also know her upcoming reaction. I suppressed my laughter.

"WHAT?! YOU ARE KIDDING ME RIGHT? YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT! I SWEAR IF THIS IS JUST A JOKE IMMA COME THERE AND KILL YOU FOR DISTURBING MY PRECIOUS SLEEP! ACTUALLY, EVEN IF THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING I WILL COME THERE AND KILL YOU FOR NOT TELL ME EARLIER!" She exclaimed, her sleepy voice now replaced by her loud and shrill voice and she probably sat up in her bed due to the shock which I gave her.

I couldn't control my laughter anymore. "Seriously Emaan? You couldn't get any other work? I mean meeting? Which meeting miss?" I laughed again ignoring her threat.

"Don't tell me you told me all that to me just to wake me up from my beauty sleep. If it is true, then you are done, remember that!" She replied furiously and I know she might be glaring daggers at the wall right now.

I laughed. "I'm sorry, maybe it is true maybe it isn't, but who knows? I just wanted to let you know that Ammi wanted you to come to our home early. She wants you to do your lunch here." I replied with a big smile.

"Are you sure your ammi said that? I mean... Wasn't she like... not talking to you guys and stuff? I'm really happy that she invited me but is everything okay?" She asked me concerned.

"Yes everything is alright Alhamdulillah. Even I'm shocked by her sudden change but... I'm happy for her. So will you come?" I asked her trying to change the topic. And I was thankful that she didn't question me about that marriage thing.

"Yes sure! I would love to. In Shaa Allah I will be there early. And save the cake for me." She replied happily.

I laughed. "Ok miss."

"And by the way, before I forget to ask you, what did you mean by maybe it's true maybe it is not? What is happening there? And tell me the truth." Maybe I spoke too soon. A sigh escaped past my lips.

"I will tell you everything once you come here." I replied while absent-mindedly playing with the hem of my hijab.

"Wait... Does that mean that something is actually going on?" She asked me, more like yelled at me. I removed my mobile from my ear until I was sure that she was calm and won't shout anymore.

"Hahaha, maybe? You will know once you get here. For now I'm going to make breakfast so byee. We will meet soon In Shaa Allah." I replied nervously while a mischievous smile played on my lips.

"Ya Allah girl! You are going to kill me because of curiosity one day. Byee, Take care, Allah hafiz." She replied with frustration while I just chuckled.

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